
The best case scenario is to run with the booing. Have Heyman turn on Brock, align himself with Reigns who takes advantage and captures the title, and have a double switch of alignment. Now Brock can go off for a few months and brood, and when he comes back for Summerslam, he's the biggest face the WWE's ever seen,

"No, they were saying BOOOOOOOReigns! BOOOOOOOOOReigns!"
"Wait, are you saying they're chanting 'boring'?"
[runs out of building]

My biggest issue's just getting into a matchup. Most of the time, I either get booted, or I end up (on my own heists) can't find enough people to play with. They really need to open it up more, because having a pool of people on your server and 4 similar players to match up with is trying to say the least. Makes me

Having nice things. We can't even.

As long as hunters regularly die, I am all for this. (Guessing that does not happen, just rednecks triumphant).

The look of determination on that girl's face is just the best.

Boy, am I glad I read this. With a few tweaks, you just described a big chunk of my life. Thank you for this, Nathan.

Ah yes, the "The Flintstones Takes Place After The Jetsons" theorem...

We are being amazingly sarcastic here, right? Because I'm having a tough time telling...

I'm surprised more players don't do this. I started doing this as soon as I figured out how to get the inventory up. Can't tell you how many times I've seen people just go through and get killed without taking cover and replenishing in missions.

QUOTE | "We go to Sega and the board turned it down, which I thought was the stupidest decision ever made in the history of business." - Former Sega of America CEO Tom Kalinske, talking about the deal he had with Sony to share in the development of a new console.

Man, people are absolutely made delusional by their hero worship in America, aren't they?

I don't think there's ever been a comic that's run this long where I don't know one person who actually buys or reads it. I'm almost certain that Todd still publishes it just for himself.

No clever comment, I just wanted this to be more of your nightmare fuel in the comments. Enjoy.

You can't even go into 90% of the buildings in the game. How committed to reality could they be?

Like anyone is going to stay at CNN long enough for the world to end.

This hating is just making me want to write the story where Bumblebee DOES become the leader of the Autobots. And crushes it. Just crushes it.

Seriously, probably the best opening line of any Kotaku article this year.

Someone send me a powerful computer to (eventually) play this on plz.

Watt is my favorite player in the league, and we have to play against him every year. You know how hard that is to deal with?!