
Cool idea. I may back this, and I don't even do Apple.

Thanks for nothing, 80's New Wave band Simply Red!

There's been so many disastrous game launches this year, I'm thinking Kotaku needs to do a series on whether games are getting too big for developers to handle in the New Generation.

It's time to take videogames away from the mass media. First the dismantling of G4, now this? We don't need the money that badly.

You know what else those computers could be used for besides making fake money?

Curing cancer.

"Don't Wait A Year For Them To Work Out The Kinks", They Said.
"You Have To Be On The Cutting Edge, Buy It Day One", They Said.

We all knew what we were getting into here with this...

FIRSTIES!!!!!! (Always wanted to do that)

Quack Quack Quack, Mr. Ducksworth! #FutureStanleyCupChamps, I really hope Yukes and Team THQ Castoffs are finally shown the door. This shit is really getting old. Every. Year.

Whereas, in America, they would have called the cops on him,and given him the runaround for as long as he could.



New Yorkers. The only thing that truly frightens them is shitty acting.

The size and scope of this game, and what's been promised, for a team that hasn't touched anything close to an MMO, no one should be surprised that there's this many hiccups. It will get ironed out.

I will say this, as annoying as the launch has been, there has been cool moments in the glitchiness. I started the

Boy, I hope there are parts to make him in GTA Online...

On the plus side...POSTER!

Like with Fox News, I'm not concerned with the trash they report, I'm more concerned with the people that take these insinuations seriously. And by doing so, gloss over the fact that the man's PTSD greatly contributed to his mental breakdown, and that he didn't get help with it.

I feel like a chump for not parking on now.

Dan DiDio still running things?

I don't know what's stupider, that this guy thinks this should be a thing, or that Kotaku wrote it's longest article of the day about this being a thingit's Kotaku.