'murica... this shit usually doesn't happen in good old Europe with strict gun control laws. just sayin'
'murica... this shit usually doesn't happen in good old Europe with strict gun control laws. just sayin'
I never went out number-gathering, so I had no idea.
Eh, tbh it sounds more shallow to spend a ridiculous amount of money in a vanity product such as this. Most expensive car brands such as BMW, Mercedes, Audi, etc at least do have outstanding engineering and performance. This would be akin to buying a gold plated Toyota.
The coolest meatball ever.
Her hair looks like a meatball.
I went with Veteran for Mass Effect - started off really difficult, but once I got upgraded, I felt a bit OP even without any guns.
But, you do have to taste it.
I really wish Kinja didnt multipost like a tourrettes riddled toddler.
I really wish there was a definitive mod collection that could be installed without spending hours on NexusMods downloading crap and figuring out which ones require you to edit your .ini...
They taught the AI how to BM.
NO! WE MUST SCRUTINIZE IT! WITH REALITY (of my preferential choosing)!!!!
The way the post is worded does somewhat make it seem as though the "3-year-old game" is Battlefield 4. That's actually how I read it the first time too.
Oh, so you're not a militant atheist, just a standard run-of-the-mill internet dick who also happens to be a lapsed Buddhist. Glad we got that all cleared up.
A little protip: Militant atheists are just as annoying as militant theists. It's a two-way street.
The only thing worse that a Bible Thumper trying to force religion on people, is an Atheist that likes to shit on the things that give people comfort after losing a loved one.
Don't be that guy.
Just real quick, Why are you in that scooter again?
The worst part of being confined to a medical scooter