
And there will always be people who laugh at both sides for their mindless bashing.

dude we must be related... i say this same exact thing. its not impressive when a 3k$ PC can pump out graphics... its expected. But when a Dev can make a console, with all its restrictions, looks amazing... now THATS effing impressive!

Consoles are designed for people who want to game on TVs rather than monitors on a desk. For use of a TV (of reasonable size and distance from viewing), 4k is completely unnecessary and is a placebo. Not that consoles aren't underpowered, but if you're talking about resolution on a TV, you're missing what makes good

Yes, why can't those $400 consoles do everything a $2500 PC can? Just criminal!

It's quite shocking how consoles still barely do 1080p after all these years and even with the new generation. PC's are already going the 4k route. These machines are so outdated, it's criminal.

Yes, but I live in real life, where I can't spend (And I just did a newegg calculation) $2150 on something to play games. I splurged on an Xbox One and literally the only reason I have a quality PC is because I need power to do rendering. But to even try and justify spending $2K on a PC is a complete fantasy.

The PS3 was capable of 4K output out of the box. I think there are maybe like 2 games that can actually render in that resolution, though. It was mostly used for video, but it was most definitely a supported resolution by the console. About 100% sure that the PS4 supports it too - and this time, we might actually see

To be fair, console games are still better optimized for the most part. They have to be, as products that aren't moddable as easily. A lot of PC games being totally unoptomized pisses the hell out of me. Many are a struggle to run because they were optimized more for consoles than for PC.

What's weird about puppies and women?

>console fanboys

Seems like someone needs a lesson in Observation! He didnt judge the show on it, he simply said what he thought it looks like, see the difference in observation and judgement? So who's really making an assumption without knowing what youre talking about? Ill give you a hint: its you

I think you would be grumpy too if you were in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

All they have to do is get rid of the notrils and lips. and BAM a million times better.

Wow. Not only do you bring the .gifs to the party, but you've got the background information inquiring minds want to know.

i would, only from the neck up..

There's a stark difference between Jon and the character you're thinking of...

Yes, because we're not seeing it.

It's not financially irresponsible. There's absolutely nothing irresponsible about being a few days out from payday and having spent all your money. Considering the time of month right now, it's likely that this person just paid at least their rent (this was posted on the 5th, the day most people's rent is due - it

So basically, because I only have about $12 in my bank (I'm between paydays), I'm not going to be able to play the game I ALREADY PAID FOR until next week when I have enough to cover the authorization? What kind of nonsense is this!?