I assume he was being sarcastic and snide...also this is daaaammn old.
I assume he was being sarcastic and snide...also this is daaaammn old.
Shouldnt you guys be recommending that people not buy an Xbox one at this point since an upgraded version appears likely to come to the market at some point. Best to wait for more information at this point (or at the very least the inevitable price drop when the new one is announced).
Shouldnt you guys be recommending that people not buy an Xbox one at this point since an upgraded version appears…
Elite Dangerous might be the thing im looking forward to the most. Pretty much nothing else interests me than VR other than strapping in and flying around space for a few hours and get lost. Sadly I don’t have a PC nearly strong enough for the oculus, so guess im waiting for PS VR and Elite’s Xbox timed exclusivity to…
It means they had to make redundancies. It means that they couldn’t fold the staff into other studios.
Because people like that the sites they use have a means for revenue. I have ad-block but am very intentional of turning it off on sites I use frequently. That being said I have turned it back for Gawker sites given the high quantity and invasiveness of the advertising. As long as ads are not intrusive, well…
This has to be plaqued. If anything is deserving of a good plaquing its this!
I don’t trust it when I give people beverages and hat’s just fall off their body as a result.
Probably not, but I would have noticed that the game is largely filler, repeated content etc. The game feels like DLC except they hit ctrl+c and ctrl+v a bunch and then tripled the price tag.
More reason to believe this was supposed to be DLC that was blown into a full release to fill a hole in their calendar for 2016.
Just realised your comment was 3 years old. Whoopsie
Stanley Parable is on Mac. Played it on my mini last year
I can see how something like this happened. Someone probably has a big folder of artwork and they dropped it into the frame as a placeholder without vetting where it was from and then forgot it was there. Stuff happens.
Considering this game was clearly DLC that they decided to release as a full game, i’d be shocked if there was DLC for it too.
My guess is Sony will release theres at a price loss with intent on earning back on licenses. That will then hopefully show developers that there is a decent install base and they will start making games for it which can then be ported over to the higher end devices.
If Blizzard can do anything its make loot appealing as hell. Even in Hearthstone my favourite thing by far is opening packs. I could open card packs all day long. Each pack has its own opening animation
I would actually say that the people claiming localization and editorial censorship are full blown censorship are using semantics for their own agenda. They are using a term as an intentional misnomer to garner support for that agenda. It would be similar to someone using terms like slavery or genocide to make…
exactly! I don’t think its even possible for a content creator to censor their own material. Censorship has to occur by a third party that exists between the creator and the consumer. Cutting content, localization, editing etc is the same as when a thought enters our brains and we decide to say it.
Worth noting the difference between censorship and self-censorship. Censorship is when content is realised and then an authoritative body prevents prevents access of that content to a group of people. Example: School boards and local governments banning The Boat Rocker in schools. Self-censorship is when a content…
You totally should. Its a great example of interactive story-telling. Try to do it in one (two max) sittings.
Where’s the time? The game is like 3 hours long. Do it. Totally worth it. If its been a while I would recommend starting over and play it again.