Basket of food, expensive upgrade version of stuff they love, and if they’re not alcoholics a bottle of good booze to wash it down.
Basket of food, expensive upgrade version of stuff they love, and if they’re not alcoholics a bottle of good booze to wash it down.
One they can live in, because economy. One that floats, because climate change.
Her hair is very classy and elegant.
Womens clothing is made cheap no matter what the brand. I’ve taken to buying mens t-shirts because they’re the same price but much heavier duty fabric & more durable. I don’t mind baggy but their are tutorials for easy tailoring.
Cheap clothes and “brand names” are made in the same sweatshops by the same children. Yeah, no wonder they’re the same quality.
Actually, he really certainly deserved it. He likely exposed those people to a deadly disease....and he knew what he was doing was exposing them to a deadly disease. He did what he did not caring about their health and welfare at all. All he cared about was scoring “convert the savages” points with his bigot Christian…
Being his family, they probably are well aware what a complete asshole this guy is and that dying from his own selfish stupidity was inevitable.
$5.00 says that there was no altercation at all.
1.) this is not stuffing. it spent no time in the nether regions of a bird. it is also not dressing. it contains no bread or chicken broth
Doulas aren’t licensed because their job requires little or no training. They aren’t professional anything.
There are lots and lots of sites that offer resume writing advice and provide examples too!
It was Menchie’s yoghurt, btw.
Q: how to survive trump country?
eh, maybe that’s all they could afford.
I’m not 20 something and I didn’t get the joke either (not an Office Space fan obvs).
Dear Dem Candidates,
Ajit Pai ruined reece’s peanut butter cups.
Spite. My vote is spite based now.
Jason’s family is probably being compensated by the show.....and he may need expensive medical care or have high health insurance premiums, so i can see a family getting on board with the bullshit for the $$$.