Bloch started making “Eric Color” shoes or Cocoa ballet slippers after Eric Underwood, former soloist at The Royal Ballet, complained about having to powder his ballet shoes.
Bloch started making “Eric Color” shoes or Cocoa ballet slippers after Eric Underwood, former soloist at The Royal Ballet, complained about having to powder his ballet shoes.
It makes perfect sense when you realize they’re both getting paid.
I’m surprised it took this long.
Emergency treatment for my dog’s hemorrhagic gastroenteritis: $3500
Splinter is Gawker 2.0...and Gawker Original Flavor was hardcore Hillary Clinton bashing Bernie Bro-skis.
So here is my plea: will you, will someone, anyone, please befriend these people?
I read Jane Eyre and thought, “WTF? She’s rich now and her only marital prospects are the dead fish cousin and an old dude with syphilis? This blows! Run, Jane, run! Run like your ass is on fire and your hair is about to catch! There are more options out there!”
Suck it, homophobes! Coulter Junior has 2 mommies!
From now on simply report anything coming from the Trump administration and Republicans as “[insert name here] lies”. It will save time.
same deal with public school teachers. its called “pass the trash”
Short Answer: It’s because we’re tired and poor. Working to many jobs for too many hours to survive doesn’t leave us enough time or money to get an SO.
Fairy tales. Old fashioned fairy tales were the horror movies of their time.
There’s also black hating blacks like Sheriff Fake Medals.
This is on the reich wing Soros conspiracy nuts.
Shitty hairplugs
Q: Why is the boy still with Child Protective Services?
American men don’t care about women. American politicians, majority white males, especially don’t care about WOC.
Most people weren’t models back then. They didn’t have access to dentists or fashionable clothing and many women didn’t wear make-up. The bassinet might have been kept for sentimental value. People hang onto random junk that looks like trash to outsiders but to them is a precious piece of family history.