
ok, maybe my family is unusual but those just look like old family photos (except the blackface one). Yeah, they’re not works or art and the people aren’t models but what do you expect from amateur photography from 1890-1930's? The baby bassinet is for dollies. Lots of old people keep a room for visiting kids with old

Do the restless spirits convey? 

When I voted on a provisional ballot during the 2016 primary, I was told by a poll worker that “why bother, its not like we count those”. 

Six years for inconveniencing rich people’s kids.

Women Scouts?

Fame whores attract one another. 

ALTERNATE HEADLINE: Brett Kavanaugh Hires All Women Team of Potential Victims 

Rumor has it he’s running for president in 2020.

The Jeffster is going to run for president 2020.  

The brother cop who was killed was black. I don’t think they would have been so restrained if the victim was another white male. 

Its a troll. If you reply to the trolls you take them out of the grays. Just report & dismiss them. 

Susan Sarandon still doesn’t get it. 

They voted for him, so tough shit. 

In my state judges are appointed by the governor & then have to run for re-election. The ones appointed by a Democrat got a “yes”, the ones appointed by a Republican were an automatic “no”.

pseudo incest is my guess

Really? I would have blamed the Bernie Bros & Jill frankenSteiners that “couldn’t see the difference between Trump and Clinton” and the lazy fuckers who stayed home on election day in 2016! Also old nasty white sexist bigots that voted for Trump.

On Wednesday, deputies with the Florence County Sheriff’s Office were attempting to serve a warrant at the home of local attorney Cheryl Turner Hopkins and her husband, Fred Hopkins, a disbarred lawyer, when a “suspect inside the residence opened fire on the investigator. Three of our deputies were shot,” said Maj.

Yeah, gotta say my field o’fucks is barren, too!