
She does have a face to go with the vulva, if anyone is curious.

Color me shocked that this gentleman is less than honorable!  /s 

This is the time to call your senators office. You can find their contact number for them in this link!

Pro-lifers, amirite?

Naw, he’s a white male in America....he’ll be fine. 

How did we get here? Because white “liberals” wouldn’t vote for an imperfect Democrat woman because they “couldn’t see the difference between Clinton and Trump”. Instead they “voted their conscience” which was for an obvious a Russian/Republican mole.

I suspect Andrew and Fergie are pushing the girls because they need the $$$$! 

Dear Tallahassee PD.....he lives in the building where he pulled the gun on the kids in the elevator. But you probably know that. 

Doesn’t matter....he’s a racist with or without tape of the n-word and MAGAts won’t care either way.

This is the Rhythm Method repackaged. It didn’t work in the 1930's when the Catholic Church came up with it and it does not work now. 

The men are nowhere to be found.....because heaven help us if they believe a victim over one of their own. 

Freddie & Truus Oversteegen didn’t fight Nazis....they straight up killed them

Why the heck did you date this fruit cup for a whole month!


I don’t think it’s upside down....I think that’s a reflection in the side of the car.

Reason #27,466,383,993 to never marry a straight male.