
Buy good walking shoes from a reputable company and break them in at least 2 weeks before your trip by wearing them everywhere, all the time. Including a couple of miles everyday on a treadmill if you don’t own a dog.

Refusing to be called by feminine pronouns or titles like “miss” or “ma’am” was a popular during Second Wave Feminism (60's)

What we know about this guy is he’s a nasty tiny-dicked toxic white male who should immediately be forgotten so his victims aren’t.

Sounds like someone feels like an old lady. 2nd wave feminists are in their 80's now ( past the age of retirement) and probably not teaching school. 

I’ve only heard slewfoot used as a not very nice word for someone with a physical deformity.

Some people are claiming White First Wave Feminism but it sounds like it could also be “shit, i’m not that old looking, am i?” bullshit. There are some women who grind their teeth when someone calls them ma’am because that’s what you call old ladies....not nubile youthful goddesses such as themselves. 

Now playing

Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous gave us the interview where Donald Trump commented about his baby Tiffany’s legs and future boobs.

short answer: yes

I need to go find that simpson’s gif of people chanting “pee pee pee” at Bart. 

That’s how it works in countries that aren’t America. 

Omarosa is a terrible, terrible toxic POS......and I’m laughing my ass off the man that gave her horrid personality a national platform is getting stabbed in the back by her!

There’s also civil forfeiture. He can scoop up their wealth with a conviction. 

I think they googled for a random picture of an elderly black woman & didn’t think their viewers would know the difference.

So....how much time in jail do you think the oddly dressed pervert deserves?  More than Brock Turner or less than Brock Turner?

“Well, he’s not any grosser than the man our parents & grandparents elected president in 2016.”

Everyman in Hollywood is terrible because Hollywood is run by men....and men are turds. Yes, ALL THE FUCKING MEN!!!

Ryan Saavedra looks like a cross between a toe knuckle and a jack o’ lantern.

the green party is funded by republican donors. we’ve known this since nader put bush into the whitehouse twice. We’ve known this since 2000. why does nobody seem to know this?

People have already been killed. Did you forget the Capital Gazette already?  The killer was a trumpanzee. He had a grudge and the president gave him his blessing to kill them. 

This would be the Supreme Court the Republicans control? Yeah, I think we know the outcome of this case already.