
Criticism of Rep Schwab comes from the fact he opposed regulating rides at amusement parks, carnivals, and fairs......until it was his son that was killed. The trip to the park was essentially a bribe to keep them unregulated. Oh, and Schwab supported tort reform so that other victims would walk away with $300,000

The water is red. 

Best of all: the trip to the water park was a bribe to keep water parks unregulated.

Don’t feel sorry for the designer. He’s an egotistical ass and yes a degree in the right field would have prevented this.

Republican politicians only care about the opinions of Republican donors. If voters don’t vote ‘their way’ they simply gerrymander them away.

Where are my #BlueLivesMatter peeps condemning the victim? Oh, yeah, they never come out when the cop is black and/or Muslim.

This is why you should always get ‘gap insurance’ on your new car. The minute you drive it off the lot it depreciates by a lot of money.

No thank you. I was all Julia’d out with “a low vera”

Suspect was identified as 28-year-old Gene Evin Atkins 

Trump will never resign. No previous president has been prosecuted....I predict Trump will be the first because hauling him off to prison will be the only way to dislodge him from the Whitehouse. Hell, I predict he’ll still try to run for office from prison!


why is something that poorly designed & dangerous still being used for passengers?

if life jackets make you more likely to die, then that is a shittily designed boat that should not be shuttling around tourists. 

The FLDS & fundie christians support their families by collecting welfare & food stamps by claiming to be single parents ( they’re married by God not the law). They call it bleeding the beast. Don’t know if its the same with Hasidic communities, but that’s how the other breeder cults do it. 

Everything this woman does reeks of desperate fame whore.