
If you’ve been dating a while and are still on apps, you might be feeling kinda pissed off at your lack of success. Maybe someone, or several someones, did you wrong. Do not use your bio to rant about “people” who suck, flake out, don’t message back, or who don’t look like their photos.

I’d consider dating a Trump supporter if they were the last person on earth......and I had a deep pre-dug hole available. 

Leave it out. Its like dick length.....we know you’re lying. 

They made a larger version called the Uhaul VT16 too

Amazon also supports Brietbart & Fox news with advertising dollars. 

those books are bullshit libertarian propagand written by her daughter

I think 23 and me offered to do the testing pro bono for the aclu 

All that and another income. I am happier living on my own but it was nice having a backup source of money in case I lost my job or had to take sick leave or had a major house/car repair.

Those people need to sue the shit out of MaxMind. 

I really really hope universities and colleges embrace The grades + SAT scores + entrance exams Model  because the number of white males to gain entrance would drop like a rock.  And that would be hilarious. 

Men who wear granny patchwork quilt skirts should not cast stones at boys in princess gowns. 

She’s a lot like Clark Kent.

WBTV reached out to the Circle K Corporate office for a response on Thursday but had not received a response as of the time of this publication.

Weren’t many of the victims transgender? I get the feeling the prosecutor didn’t really care that deeply about the loss of the victims if they’re willing to cut a sweetheart deal like that. 

Amputation seems like the only choice here. You cut off the gangrenous limb to save the body. Leaving the rot in place won’t save the limb, it just ends up killing the whole patient in the end.

Donor eggs down the road might be a cheaper route than harvesting/freezing and paying years of storage fees.

its a troll. ignore it

By middle school, I’d already pretty much decided that if I ever became a parent, it would be via sperm donor since the choice of males available to me were all to odious to breed with.