
Duckworth & the rest of the “mainstream” Dems are being polite......they think Midwesterners are too racist and sexist to vote for a non-white woman. After all they were too sexist to vote for a white woman. And voting for Trump was white-lash response to Obama.

Drop ceilings and airducts: Just because you saw it in a movie means you can do it in real life too, Chad.

These people would have been dead 12 different times if they were black. 

Trump has created plenty of jobs for China!

A Low Vera as in Aloe Vera, you apply it to burns

One of the 630 women arrested was Susan “Hillary is worse than Trump” Sarandon. 

White gay males back during the Bush administration wanted to jettison the T from LGBTQ because they thought it would give them a better chance at getting civil rights legislation passed from themselves. They were also pretty damn sexist and racist from what I remember.

Wow, nothing suspicious about this timing at all. /s

I’ve been digging all thru my book collection for the stories that got me thru the Bush years. 

She’ll do less time than a black woman but more time than Brock Turner. 

Sunscreen is for commies. 

That was the worst punch fake tho. You can tell it doesn’t even connect and Kelly Preston is just throwing herself on the floor.

Saudi women were already driving before this as outlaws which is why the government decided to legalize & license it. The locked up the driving protest ringleaders but lost the war.

Another member of the 52% showing their entire ass.

Trump’s cronies went into this thinking they’d have a Whitehouse career for 8 years and then a cushy “consulting” job with the corporate donor class like Bush’s people got.

Dude, we already have that. Its called mailorder brides from Russia/Eastern Europe. Trump has  married 2 of them. 

Patty Hearst may be concerned, but right now Lydia is “supporting” Chad and criticizing him will just cause her daughter to double down.

Johnny Depp beat on Amber Heard.....I don’t give a crap about his welfare. 

Sue them.