Even if that were true, it would make her the opposite of a white savior because she isn’t actually saving anyone. If anything, the game could be seen as a critique of the white savior trope.
Even if that were true, it would make her the opposite of a white savior because she isn’t actually saving anyone. If anything, the game could be seen as a critique of the white savior trope.
Metroid Fusion is Metroid 4. Other M is just Other M.
You left out the best part of how he doesn’t actually think he cheated:
I’ll fight you. Tactics Ogre has a far better story and battle system. Classes are superior. It is leagues above FFT. It’s a shame Square never brought Let us Cling Together from PSP to anything else.
Death Mark — Spirit Hunter: Death Mark — has a sequel. It’s called Spirit Hunter: NG. I’ve played both on the Switch.
Why not get a refund and buy it later when it is in a better state? Maybe by then it will even be cheaper. There is nothing to lose.
A smash remix of Dancing Mad would be amaaazzzinnnggg.
New Nintendo 3DS XL.
I’m playing this game on my Switch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don’t really get people who are so graphic obsessed. It is a great game and that’s all I could ask for, got more than my money’s worth on it
The middle one is essentially Psylocke’s costume.
No, that’s unrelated.
Been binge watching all the MST3K episodes and I just watch the movie “Alien from LA” and boy watching a grown woman played by Kathy Ireland making baby talk through out the whole thing was just maddening.
Oh god... the “Remake” in the title is a meta pun... Because the characters are literally *remaking* the plot of FF VII
If we’re talking GameCube games, Baten Kaitos and Baten Kaitos Origins could use more attention.
When you factor in the boob physics, hip sway, seductive walk, playful giggles when sneaking, sexually charged moans when taking damage, make-up application animations, entirely new costumes and outfits that all show off midriff/cleavage/thighs, and a host of other problems it’s painfully clear how much extra work…
I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:
“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.
I didn’t think that the discussion about sexualisation in video game was about womens self image. I don’t know any woman who likes video games who longs for looking like a pre-teen looking dragon girl who is secretly 1000 years old or having breasts so big that they take up the vast majority of their body.
I thought it…