
Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard are the most probable. I’m actually impressed with Zero, after all the bad things that I heard about it, the game has been an really intense experience and I’m enjoying a lot my time with the game and Star Fox Guard it’s weirdly addictive.
But maybe I play some Wii Sports or

I tried really hard to play and finish this game, but after a while I simply wasn’t having fun, I’m not quite sure what made me fell this way, but the more I played more bland the game became

That reminds me that I need to finish Resident Evil Darkside Chronicles, the Wii was great for these kind of games.

Funny thing is that I still play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on my 64 and I found then quite fun. Now I bought Call of Duty Black Ops 2, the multiplayer is fun but I prefer a thousand times Goldeneye over that Campaign of BO2

From the trailer it sounded like what I remember, but it’s been 10 years since I played Dragon Quest VIII, so I can be wrong.

Yeah, but I don’t understand a thing when she talks in japanese. I enjoy hearing tao saying booby lady

I actually enjoyed more because of the Wii controls, it made the panic more real. When I started losing control it was my fault, if you do the proper movement it works pretty fine, but when you’re being chased it’s hard to made things right and that gives a terror vibe that it’s really hard to emulate on a traditional

I finished this game on a friends wii and now I bought for my WiiU (retrocompatibility rules) and it’s a really amazing experience, I fell compelled to explore every corner in this game. I conviced my girlfriend to play with me (she mades the choices but I control since she’s not experienced with videogames) and it’s

Actually there’s five games, but there’s one that was never translated (the one on the Wii)

I was highly disapointed that NA didn’t bringed over the Wii version, just to add salt to the wounds the remake was release on the WiiU E-Shop on EU recently...

Yeah, but it would be a huge shame if we can’t play anymore splatoon with motion controls

I remembered now that Just Dance is also one of the confirmed games, so unless it’s a version that rely exclusively on smartphones, there’s gonna be some motion

I really hope there is motion, my girlfriend would miss that on Mario Kart too.

I only really notice recently the difference between having Aim assist or not, mostly because I don’t play the same game on a console and on PC. But what made me notice the Aim assist was the difference between playing with the Wiimote+numchuck against the traditional controller on Call of Duty Black Ops 2 on the

That just remembered me that I never finished this game because it only saves on the memory card of the 64 and mine ALWAYS corrupt the Turok 2 save, I need to get a cheat code that allows me to start in any stage, I’m tired of the 3 first stages..

Nah.... after Re 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, Zero and Remake, the franchise needed innovation, I love RE but it was getting really stale. RE 4 managed to bring the much needed change and made it in an awesome way, but Capcom kinda lost his hand after that...

I think RE 4 controls are rated like this Wii>GC> Ps2,3,4,Xbox etc>Mouse+Keyboard.

Strangely I always forget about the 3DS miiverse and only use it on the WiiU, I think I need to give more opportunity’s to the 3DS comunnities...

There will be exclusive games for the Ps4 Pro?

It’s funny that Nintendo is doing the opposite of Sony, while Sony is putting the Vita games on the Ps4, Nintendo is putting the WiiU games on the 3DS...