
But after Megaman 6 came Megama X that it’s the best selling Megaman. Then we had Megaman Legends on PS, Battle Network and Megaman Zero series on the GBA. It was pretty obvious the strategy of capcom with Megaman, release as many numbered sequels as possible, when the sales drop releases a new kind of Megaman that

I have Turok 2 on my N64 butnever managed to make it far because it saves only on the Controller Pak and mine always erased my save after some time ¬¬

I remember when I had a Super Metroid cartridge that didn’t save and I played the entire game and tried to leave the console on to play in the next day, my mom made me turn it off. I saved and prayed for be able to continue in the next day, it didn’t work T_T

Doubt it, when this became really playable the WiiU would be long gone...

I never met someone who bought an original game to use with an emulator. But I know people that already had the game and lost the console, so it chooses to use an emulator

What makes me mad about this game is that Ubisoft not only released this bad tetris, but that at the time they released this game it was removed the two better option for tetris on the E-Shop, the GB version and Tetris Axis madeing impossible for me to have a good tetris always available on my 3DS

My only hope of playing a Yakuza game for now is if they decide to localize the WiiU HD port of Yakuza 1 and 2, but I have almost no faith that will happen...

For a moment I thought that I never paid $60 for a multiplayer-centric game than I remember that I bought Splatoon, but at least it has a fun single player and a two player off-line that it’s not the better of the game but it still manages to be fun...

That’s the reason that I think buying a Xbox One AND a Ps4 is overkill, the WiiU makes more sense as a second console since it has a really different library of games...

Danganropa? The Vita games? Oh please, be real...

On Japan, Square Enix released all the NES and SNES Final Fantasy on the WiiU VC, we are stll wating for a single one to be released on NA...

I’m glad that I still have my Final Fantasy 3 (VI) cartridge for the SNES...

You made me sad, I was really hoping for Final Fantasy 9 on Steam, it’s the only one on the Ps1 that I didn’t had played...

Finally I’m going ot play dragon Quest VII \o/, but I was really hoping for Dragon Quest X on WiiU too, well can’t have all...

One of the coolest aspects of the WiiU is being able to that, I’m playing Hirule Warriors with my girlfriend and it’s great, unfortunally just a few games has this support. The greatest offender is Mario Kart, I understand not doing that with 4 people, but why can’t each one has his own screen in two player mode?

FATAL FRAME \o/ ... anyone knows if it’s possible to run the fan translation of fatal frame 4 on the WiiU? And the remake of Fatal Frame 2 that never arrived on america?

I want an advice, since I only have a WiiU and for some stupid reason we don’t get sports title despite the gamepad having so MUCH potential for these games, it’s worth getting NBA 2k13? I found it kind of cheap and I enjoyed the demo...

I noticed that a lot of people don’t take time to get used to a diferent kind of control, they are like.. - Why are you doing this different? Different is no fun!

For a time I tought of getting a Vita TV if I could find it cheap, but so many Vita games are being ported to the Ps4 that it would be better to just get a Ps4 already...

Now I need to replay Skyward Sword.