Impossible to share without DRM
Impossible to share without DRM
Impossible to share without DRM.
CopyCat Microsoft Idea
CopyCat Microsoft Idea
I prefer 900P with 60fps
Microsoft should buy them
They paid service gives you extra.. like call land lines
They never done a big update in PS. Look PS3. 360 Changed every year adding more functionality and new UI.
We already can watch since the launch..
Half of people that use google services don't know the trut. They should be more clear... instead have a 1000000 pages document talking about this.
That's why I don't use. I don't want to see my family been used by them.
Best Design
I'm with you.. I posted this morning some models including this :)
+ they will know when you are home or not... Crossing information between Android GPS and you house temperature.
Ohh yes it is a 10000 page document in small letters that nobody reads..
Evil... Nothing is Free... They are using your data to make money...
Add more
Nokia 208 has Facebook, Whatsapp and more
X86 will work... I would love have Microsoft release a windows RT installer. 90% of the Android tables will be converted to Windows