Fark is like the internet version of your old Catholic grandma who surprises the shit out of you when she buys you condoms.
Fark is like the internet version of your old Catholic grandma who surprises the shit out of you when she buys you condoms.
"If Hillary Clinton wins in 2016, it'll be the first time two presidents have had sex with each other."
Nick Offerman obviously doesn't know about the secret clause in the constitution which requires all incoming presidents to have sex with their predecessors.
I wrote in my friend Dave's graduation card...
Could White people please stop talking about the "militarization" of the police, as if the police just started treating Black people this way 10 years ago when the government started handing this gear out?
I completely agree with everything Olliver say's here regarding Ferguson. However "citing the possibility of a terrorist attack on its "annual Pumpkin Festival." to be fair I have been known to terrorize pumpkin pies, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin beer, pumpkin cake, pumpkin soup, and many other pumkin flavoured items.
Ooops! There's water allll oooover Chris Pratt. I see it's making his t shirt very, um...that's a real shame.
Just did some quick math.
The YouTubbers who were planning to attend MineORama quickly handled the fall out and threw together in a matter of days "YouCube", with a pretty large outreach and trying to contact everyone involved in the MineORama scandal. They admitted anyone with MineORama tickets for free
Jessica, I am so proud of you for standing up for your site, your authors and your commenting community.
I am reposting a post on Reddit by user iksbob regarding sprint cars where he explains some technical caveats
I got my first car after I graduated law school and ended up with a Nissan because I was treated similarly by a Honda dealership. I was leasing, not buying, and the sales guy straight up lied to my face about the amount of local and state taxes for leasing, telling me they were much higher than they were when I…
I sometimes hear "Hey! Listen!" when I'm all alone .. I haven't touched a Zelda game in years.
I consistently piss off everyone. Probably why I'm here.
"The Constructicons and Devastator came first, but instead of facing off against a similarly functioning enemy team, their arch enemy was Omega Supreme, a regular Omega with sour cream and tomatoes. "
Only real Pikachu:
yes, in the same way you are a heavily modified re-badged version of your parents.
Oh, stop your whining. This is actually one of the most entertaining stories of the week. If you want nothing but articles about release dates and DLC trailers, there are plenty of other gaming websites out there for you.