5760 x 1080 across 3, 42 inch screens. Not me, but just highlighting a high end goat experience.
5760 x 1080 across 3, 42 inch screens. Not me, but just highlighting a high end goat experience.
You consolers may have your Halo, your Super Mario and your Uncharted.
I'm 31 this year, and as much as I dislike Micheal Bay, I refuse to be a part of this jaded community that will shit on every reboot because the reigning child-mind is locked in "the perfect era" of all things creative. The size of the turtles is a creative decision. They are still teenage, mutant and ninjas.
Hmmm, so according to him, in about 30 years Oculus will sacrifice itself to destroy facebook....then probably get rebooted by Disney I guess. I'm down with that.
Oh Yee of little integrity.
I found out yesterday that if you eject from your doomed Titan and land on top of your dropship after it's flying away you can still land inside and score a successful evac.
The most amazing part of this is that we're living in a world where the President of the United States can make a joke referencing a (formerly) B-list Marvel Comics character and everyone in the audience is right there with him.
There, I fixed it. Now you just have muffins on your hands instead of the death of a child.
I've been watching/joining in for the past eight hours, slowly rising from about 2,000 people up to the 9,500 we've got now. The moment where we all beat Misty was just absolute euphoria.
It is quite strange that people are focusing on the accommodations she ended up receiving, instead of the repeated posturing that demeaned her as a person.
Sure looks like t/dog we call Sausage
I think Ford deserves huge kudos for this new Mustang. Why? Well, they were faced with three problems:
Once again, the Battle of the Bulge won't end well for the Germans.
There is a bulge in the hood and a bulge in my pants. It's the battle of the bulges up in here.
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
I think it might be because if you behemoths ever began world domination, we'd think we're being invaded by giants. Giants are scary and we laugh at things that are scary.
I love how she goes out of her way to emphasize "IN THE YEAR TWENTY THIRTEEN."