Rural areas already tend to have a more.... eclectic selection of mail vehicles instead of LLVs.
Rural areas already tend to have a more.... eclectic selection of mail vehicles instead of LLVs.
Right, and I should’ve gotten into my Mustang for the first time and immediately been able to discern every last suspension quirk and transmission sweet spot the very first time I drove it, right? Or maybe you’re an asshole and the reason more and more people find it hard to get into car culture.
As a designer, it’s.... not a bad trend, though? It depends a lot on the decoration of the room. Grey & white & brown is boring and dull, but using true neutral tones as a base to use a ton of color in room decor (my furniture is brown-black stained wood, black-trimmed glass, light grey fabric, and slate grey walls,…
....rising up on imaginary breezes in wonderfulness generated formations that repeat at intervals somewhere between a quarter of a minute and thirty seconds.
Before we can even CONSIDER anything like this in the US, we have to face something huge: 68% of households are in apartments. And in the US, at least, that typically means that you can’t charge your electric car or plug-in hybrid at home. That has to MASSIVELY change before a ban can be considered at all, or it’s…
I. Yes. Basically, the first Exo prototypes were enhanced Frames used by Vex researchers on Venus, where their connections were direct neural interface being “filtered” by a Warmind to prevent intrusion from the Vex networks. There’s some evidence to suggest that Maya Sundaresh and Chioma Esi (or, just as likely,…
It’s not a smile, yeah, but it *is* a much happier look than we’ve seen him have in a long time. He doesn’t look grumpy.
They’re so excited about their stairs and how narrow it is...... how accessible is it for someone in a power wheelchair? Or someone wheeling themselves in a traditional wheelchair? A lot of places that are “accessible” only are if the person in a chair is in a traditional chair that’s being pushed, since, y’know.…
I wish I had the money to fly up and help him sort through all that, figure out what does and doesn’t run, clear brush, etc, especially in exchange for a couple of the cars I saw (was looking at a classic beetle and the white miata specifically). Would be fun, it’d be nice to help him out, and just getting to mess…
I feel like two of these are different from the third? Hi-Way was used by FEMA and should receive funds under a separate apportionment for anywhere used by FEMA that wouldn’t normally be eligible, because that’s fair; the other churches, unless they were *mandated* to open as shelters, shouldn’t be eligible.
Okay, so. IKEA has what I think is the best non-slotted hard spatula of all time. It’s plastic so it’s nonstick safe, the handle is really nicely contoured, and it’s got the reach of a fish spatula. I use mine for *everything*. Scrambling eggs, making bacon, flipping chicken tenders and burgers, etc. That and a pair…
Everyone clicking on this doesn’t much care about the fact that Beyonce (may she live forever) is releasing new music. Of course she is.
We’re excited that the most original, revolutionary, batshit music video director of all time is working with her because it’s going to be fucking incredible.
PUBG is possibly the only shooter that you can win with zero kills. Was hiding for most of the game on my second, maybe third match, and ended up in a shack. We’re the last two at this point, and he tries to throw a grenade through the window. Bounces off the wall, blows himself up. 0-kill chicken dinner.
LA: Where people are better at telling Chinese, Japanese, and Korean people apart, and it shows because hate crimes only significantly increase against one of them when the president starts encouraging it.
We all know he’s a Daywalker, so that probably affects things.
Her makeup in season 1 did not help this; it’s much more obvious with her later seasons and her off-show looks.
I’m strongly with the group that says it’s just part of the serial number. So while the BB-8 we see is unique, there’s certainly other BB-8s out there. I’d imagine that Industrial Automation might have retired the R2-D2 designation at some point giving how famous Artoo is.
But activating Valkyrie resets the CD. Rez, Ult, Rez, 10s, Rez, 10s, rez. Four rezzes in ~20 seconds
Kill the 300 and 500 entirely, keep the Charger. I’m looking at their websites, so my info on the Dart is a bit outdated, but wow, killing it might’ve been the end of line for them, despite it not selling that well; it could’ve been the centerpiece of a much more tightly focused lineup.
If they kill the Pacifica,…