The worst part is I am fairly confident this is a con. Read the “hate mail” then read her response. Anyone else notice a Particular grammar Tic?
The worst part is I am fairly confident this is a con. Read the “hate mail” then read her response. Anyone else notice a Particular grammar Tic?
Um... does anyone notice a particular grammar tic in both the “hate mail” and her response?
Exactly. I present as straight to most people (I am married to a man, after all), but am actually bisexual. Yesterday I was actually considering posting a picture of Ruby with a caption something along the lines of being attracted to her, as a safe way to dip my toe in the waters of being open about my sexuality. I…
That’s what the bar food is for!
I love that for some reason!
Thank you! I feel like *this* is the type of positive dialogue about race and identity that we should be having in the wake of this issue.
Oh god. I bought Tevas over the weekend. It didn’t even occur to me what was happening. It’s too late for me now.
It seems like these people are trying to take advantage of his wealth.
I kind of need that cross-stitch.
It is the unfortunate side effect of wearing low rise jeans with a thong. I would post a picture, but I will be kind and abstain.
Ugh. Are we also going to see a return of the whale tail? *shudder*
It was perfectly clear to us, the viewer - but not to Sansa. Sure, she thought he was creepy but she didn’t understand what he was truly capable of until that scene.
Hm, that’s actually a good point. Many of the death metal bands I listen to have lyrics about rape, murder, dismemberment. However, the line between fantasy and reality is very evident in those situations, and it is clear it is all just “pretend.”
Wait whoa whoa whoa —— is this a mash up of Game of Thrones and Arrested Development??
This is exactly why I get my hair done maybe twice a year, max. I really hate navigating that weird social expectation.
The waxing story no no no!!!
Pretty much.