
Ugh. I don’t have some interesting anecdote or story, but I just have to rant about the unfair double standards I have to face being a young female boss. If I am assertive and firm, I am a “bitch.” Meanwhile, the male execs are considered “strong” and “in charge.” I am constantly interrupted by other management, and

I really loved this article! However, when people describe winged liquid eyeliner and red lips as "retro" aren't they typically referring to the 40s and 50s - not really the 20s?

Yes, penis-airplane-banana-shark is where my mind went. No where at all did I get "hand" from that.

..what am I looking at?

I think she is trying to come across as Mrs. Serious Fashion Lady now.


From Cleopatrato A Mighty Heart, it's a sign of the times when black actors can't play their own ethnicity because some white woman like Angelina Jolie fancies herself in a curly wig.

My money is on "casein."

Many years ago, I was 19 years old, living with my boyfriend, and working at a local video store.

I agree?

That guy is so cute and sweet! I feel so bad for him! No!!

Yeah I probably should have done some cursory googling before making any statements. C'est la vie.

Uma's twin, for real.

That's the thing, though.. He's not. He lost his license.

Wait, what the hell is this? What is going on? Someone please explain to me!

If the video was just a super quick slideshow that lasted say, less than 1 minute, and all of the white-board-isms were things he loves about HER.. then.. maybe I could give this a pass.

I love Amy Schumer.

I don't think I've ever been to a pizza parlor that had milkshakes?

I am really appreciating all of this Leonardo DiCaprio coverage, as it is helping me overcome my irrational attraction toward him.

Yes, do NOT cheap out on your wedding photographer...