
cause she is springboading of her innocent child (who has no say at all on what is being uploaded) to get followers—-mini-pimping.

Actually - that IS the issue here...

at least she is posting vaild points while you're idk - typing like a monkey using alot of wrds that are all bullshitty bs??

jeeezzze— not saying she needs to cover up- just her idjit mom should use a little sense and NOT post them online, how fucking hard is that?

and its an adorable picture for a parent to have and treasure and keep, doesnt mean it needs to be posted for the masses.. a little common sense and discretion

the didfference is- they arent being posted online.

maybe your mom- but some moms actually have a bit of respect for their kids and try to perserve their privacy AND their dignity but not pulling out emabarrassing photos and stories ( thanks for not being assholes mom and dad!)

when a parent is too stupid to understand the dangers of posting their child likeness, name and location—then no- someone needs to step in and save that kid from their stupid parent.- and this mommy blogger screams I R STOOPID

oh- sigh-better- i did a triple read on that thining no. oh no. NO WAY!

another false argument. The guv'mint already HAS all your info. The rest of it is fear mongering paranoia.

well- ya start by stopping some of the problems and then work outward to the rest—but this whole- lets not do ANYTHING attitude complete with throw hands up in the air has GOT to change.

actually- no- the owner usually isn't charged-it's just chalked up to another "accidental shooting —you know— the ones that could have been 100% prevented.

Easily and the sooner the better—oh wait- we are already decades overdue.

especially since it was ALREDY PROVEN he was not rsponsiblew enough to have a gun AND by LAW- was NOT supposed to have one( convicted felon)

BowTies are cool

but its not really not- unprofessional tends to lean towards- "they know their stuff- they just don't present it in a very polished manner"- incompetent is something else entirely.

I think the point is- men will get divided into categories like 'professional' or 'not professional"- meanwhile the women get divided into categories likes slutty, incompetent, etc etc.

Thank you for being one of the ones that get what their faith and their dsavior is all about. love and forgiveness. not hate and violence.

ahhh- now its makes sense- you're completely fucking nuts yourself.

its also the most mundane and idiotic thing to complain about.