
FFS—grow up. look at it sideways- new age whiners.

and he will get just what he fucking deserves.

seen enough- that mutha fucker needs to be arrested

Because he joined the group of practioners- and the rotate who you see, and never had a problem before. That particular one retired about a year later—-but I still left that prctice because of it

no- I'm a women who had to have her daughter attend some counciling sessions to help her understand that asshole doctor was trying to make her think there was something wrong with her during their "private convo" that couldn't be fixed with her being on AD"s, so he could get a kickback.

my daughter WAS harmed by her private 5 min conversation (hard sales pitch) with dr.

Thank you for posting this-the reason I put mine up was my 14 yo daughter had a "private moment" with one of the doctors in rotation and he was ALSO trying to convince she HAD to be AD's RIGHT NOW. she was not in any way , shape or fashion- depressed. and it was only by asking a whole lotta qwestions about what was

no, yes and way too many

You have to be a special kind of naive if you think some doctors aren't pushing there own pharmaceutically funded agenda..

you're assuming you know what this doctor was going to say- one would HOPE it was only things like- do you feel safe at home? are you having sex and have questions? but as someone posted upstream- you have NO IDEA what is being discussed and in what fashion in the "private moment" and I don't like the sound of that.

the sad practice of hiring their old boy college friends(also- their useless kids) for positions that they have no skill, experience, or even a modicum of ability to perform—-repeat for several generations.

our electrical guy at work said the insulation tastes sweet to them...

anpoher guy thatbthinks he deserves sex for existing...and/or that his success in one slice of life awards him women as his prize..yes...very fucked up thought process.

they actually only eat the strings...

then you dont know a single MRA activist

oh..boo hoo- poor widdle rapist may loose a job opportunity—all she lost was the feeling of ever being safe again..anywhere..ever.

since you seem to KNOW how she got her first audition, I'll defer to your ever so much more knowledgeable position.

teri hatcher-49's, Appalonia (purple rain) -rams, phyllis smith(office)-St L, a few other names you might recognise....it can be a stepping stone to be sure.

dont you think thats kinda the point- they exploit these young ladies- ones who just arent savvy enough to know where the line is or that these NFL fucks are 100yards over it. Or especially that they have a right to bodily dignity no matter how many hours they work or what they are paid.
