
"Horsepower is how fast you hit the guest's car in front of you and torque is how far you push it."

pine beetle kill. Whole mountain sides in RMNP are dead like that. Most of it stayed north of I70, here in the pikes peak region we don't have nearly as much.

The extended drought in the West has caused a huge boom in the Mountain Pine Beetle.

It's the square-cube law:-

Your buddy's aunt? If she does it why aren't you doing it? Also $63 an hour for a $19,244 payment means 305 hours. 305 hours in a month means almost 80 hour work weeks. You suck.

I went ahead and used a section of highway I was familiar with, the 101, because it's easy to picture an SUV-sized frog leaping across there, for some reason.

Years ago I stopped at a rest area in Connecticut in the middle of a drive from NYC to Boston. Walking in, I admired a Miata with its top down and I fondly remembered the times I'd gotten to drive one and I envied the owner. As I walked past, I looked in and noticed it was an automatic. I shook my head in

you just don't understand eastern Europe chic.

Cool, so you just have to carry a wooden pallet with you everywhere.

You don't wear motorcycle helmets when you ride in cars. Well, maybe you do.

But before we get to that, a little background on the CLS lighting system. It's called Active Multibeam II, and here's how it works: you're driving along on some dark road with your high beams illuminated. The system senses another car coming your way. Just then, 24 different individually controlled LEDs spring into

As a fellow 20-something Kentish male, I publicly apologize for the actions of this knob. Obviously we aren't all like this, and he is a monumental idiot.

I'm still confused at the whole "bloodhound" name. I own two bloodhounds, and they will never be accused of being fast, sleek, or even terribly neat (like clean). They are, however, full of spit n slobber, able to turn around in their skin (which is pretty amazing to watch when they've got a good head of steam up),

Oh sure, the whole roof shatters and flies off, but the licence plate which is clearly getting hit is in perfect condition. Crazy.

It started life as a proposed IndyCar, but after it got rejected from there for being too radical, it ended up as an experimental le Mans entry back in 2012. Like the Nardi, the poor thing got punted off the track by a hard-hitting Toyota.

Well I didn't really like the 13 year old sensibility of Borderlands. I would welcome a more serious sci-fi universe that isn't full of tired stereotypes and poop and fart jokes.


You know why your coilovers' instruction manual says the recommended drop is 1.5 inches? Yeah, there's a reason for that.