
We've asked Parker Brothers Concepts to comment on this situation via a Facebook message and will update this story if they respond.

Vie have zie money, now is your problem.

This is the poor man's version. And yes, it's mine.

Back in the '50sChevy called its new engine family the "small block" because it was smaller than the "big block". However, starting with a 265 cu in (4.3 liter) in 1954, these engines are in fact enormous by any standard.

A little from column A, a little from column B. Plenty of reference material online if you're really interested.


Bingo. MAJOR PR failure. They could have had some hot-shot throwing a 80mph ball, instead we have this limp-wristed nonsense.

They should've had some actual professional pitcher in the suit - even a minor league or a guy who just pitched in college would do. Either way, they could've easily hidden who was in the suit, and made it look like "RoboCop" could actually pitch really well (and gotten much more publicity).

Now playing

couldn't they attach something like this to his arm or something? He is robocop after all.

Typical squid; fast on the straight, corners like grandma in a Country Squire.

You can walk a horse to water, but you can't slap the stupid out of it.

You can outrun a squad car, but you can't outrun the Internet.

My God - that's HIDEOUS!

That looks awful!

90% if the "stanced and hellaflush" cars are made better at parking and not for driving. There is a reason you don't see the super cars with wheels like that.

Its easy when you camber the tires like this fellow has essentially halving the contact patch.

I bet they added 4000 lbs of "lightness." Lol.

The Continental is a very heavy car and therefore contains a great deal of lightness.

I'm from Atlanta and I have a LEAF. Atlanta is the number two largest market for the LEAF. It is outselling the Altima the usually big seller for Nissan in the larger markets. After tax incentives the car is like $16,000, so it is just really cheap to own. Atlanta also has a lot of chargers and cheap electricity, so