Yeah which is why there is an exemption for revenues under $1 M per year. Ebay wants to make it $10 M.
Yeah which is why there is an exemption for revenues under $1 M per year. Ebay wants to make it $10 M.
I know Amazon is full bore endorsing the idea, as for eBay they want to up the exemption from $1M to $10M and to do that they are mobilizing folk to get involved, you know grass roots folk who want to work hard so that businesses with more than $1m in revenues yearly can also get a tax exemption.
well regardless of this bill you should be paying taxes. If they dont charge sales tax, you are legally obligated to pay Use tax to your state when you receive the item. Most states dont pursue you though, and most people wont report/pay it, which is why lots of states are trying to tax online purchases now,…
Sweet Miller Highlife crying Jesus eagles!!
No Element. Really?! GTFO
What kind of internet would it be if it weren't for couch potatoes blaming the victims of freak accidents for having the audacity of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. If only their foresight was as good as your hindsight they'd have all survived.
"nearly everyone... Else is a bad driver."
A cars worth only matters to the buyer not the owner.
Don't be a douche. You're disrespecting all of our armed service members with this type of attitude. They're not just machines that don't know right from wrong and when to and not to apply force. This asshole will eventually leave the Marines and have to live with the rest of us the real world. You want him as a next…
So this guy is a Purple Heart back from 5 tours in Afghanistan. I'm pretty sure this is classic PTSD stuff. He was obviously suffering some sort of mental break. There should be consequences, but this video should be less about "punish that asshole" and more about "our returning vets need help." It's a shame this is…
It's not tasteless. It's news. There's a warning. People can make the choice to watch it or not. There's no better part of me rebelling against this post. I was presented with the option of running it or not and I decided to run it.
You can't say tanks and military vehicles are awesome and then entirely avoid the consequences or the realities. Same goes for car crashes. There's a lot of stuff we pass on that we decide is too snuffy, but we've written about this conflict before and will continue to do so as it is newsworthy.
Did you opt for the add on turn signals? Most BMWs were shipped sans signals.
I half agree, but I can see this as making business sense. There may not be 1000 people who'd purchase this, but 250 paying beta testers isn't too shabby. My prediction - they'll find it's too small and slow and up the power and size and find more buyers as they do, milking its scarcity and odd looks for publicity…
Greg Lemerde.
Well done, you've just won the 'I'm a fucking dumbass' award. Enjoy it.
It looks like a Subaru SVX. Ie, AWESOME!