Also, watch out if someone tries to shove a cookie in your eye.
Well, now you can come down and sell some to the Yanks!
Aw, that's less fun.
Only if it's done for racing/handling reasons. Just to look low, looks dumb.
Hold on, forget the spin drift. Where can I get a cookie monster crash helmet?
True, if they're on too tight, they can certainly hold you up. I was pointing to the jack stands, literally holding things up, smart-ass that I am.
Cutest racing series ever...sorry, EVAR!!!! Each entrant must carry at least one kitten on board at all times.
You mean, "Speak 'Murrican or GTFO!"
True, I knew I was overstating things with my rhetorical shorthand. But the English-speaking world picking up French-isms is just a bit of deja-vu.
Sorry, but the hood vents and the gaping grill-hole and what looks to be a long, fenders-y hood line cry "front-engine" to me.
Anglophones generally don't have trouble saying "mirage" so why the trouble with "rouge"? It's the same consonant sound. Heck, English has been half French since the Norman invasion.
The one person who did, will be happy with his new toy. I thought about it, but never got busy. It would all have been for naught however because some dickface stole my camera when he stole my computer and watches and a bunch of other stuff. Heck, I had some choice sightings from the neighbor with a sick jeep rod,…
I don't own one either, but those who want to have them around for "home protection" will insist that they be loaded and available, or else they're no good for fending off (or just offing) malicious marauders. Unfortunately, that also increases the potential that the gun harms a family member, accidentally or…