
Someone needs to let that mook know that the reason Spider-Gwen’s costume was such a sensation wasn’t just a hood.

Pretty good write-up! However, don’t ever ever EVER link to Reptile Evolution. David Peters is a crazy person and many of his ideas, especially regarding phylogeny, should not be taken seriously. He claims to see things in the fossils (based on photographs) that nobody else can see, like horse tails on pterosaurs.

So are we a host when we have a penis inside us? Does that penis belong to us while we are hosting it? Can we do with it whatever we want? Just asking.

Man using impersonal technology to reach out to people he would otherwise never be able to communicate with due to external factors decries the use of technology to allow people to reach out to people they can otherwise never communicate with due to medical factors.

News at 11!

rumour has it there was a circumcision option in the beta, but it was cut.

Love for a daughter and hatred for the Empire

I didn’t realize she was suppose to be the yellow ranger.


Pray tell, are your thoughts and digressions, which I can only assume follow similar lines to the one above, available somewhere on the information superhighway (which, though well-known as a haven for overwrought, I’ll-informed screeds, I still find myself perusing on a frequent basis) on a “weblog” or other sort of

FAIL! I could follow your writing.

I couldnt read anything in the post because I could not get by:

alternate headline:

They may not call him Ganke, but it’s Ganke.

“What you can’t tell from the trailer is if Transformers: The Last Knight will continue the trend of the series mostly being all spectacle and no spark.”

For everybody in the comments: The first movie in the Cineverse will be whichever one is the first not to bomb.

My best guess: It will turn out the Terrigen Mists don’t kill mutants. It just puts them into a death-like state while it changes them. He’ll come back more powerful than ever. Until, it turns out that making mutants inhuman drastically reduces their lifespan. Then, they’ll use reverse-engineered Celestial tech to


Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

“Why can’t we just use nukes?”

The simple truth, the most concise truth I can express, is that it proved, and it has proven, really hard to come up with a sequel that doesn’t feel like a re-hash of the first movie.