
This is essentially like pulling out when she is 37 weeks pregnant. It’s a tad too late.

On the other hand, you’re bloggers who “Spend the Day Ripping Lines From Reddit,” so let’s call it even.

It’s an employee pumpkin carving competition. It will not be sold for money. These people know about the useless box is. This was done as parody.

I’m waiting for the full-color trade to come out.

Best part is that it was on TV.

Maybe we can get a special edition of Doctor Strange with a Tibetan actor in the role of the Ancient One. It'd be faithful to the comics and I’m sure Beijing would love having one of their citizens featured so prominently in such a high profile film.

Rumor has it the iPhone 8 is just a lighting port. You can plug in a 5 inch screen (sold separately) to it to view your apps, or a wireless module (sold separately) to use WiFi or make calls. There is even an optional dongle that will allow you to use both at once!

That dongle lacks courage.

The reason why this so often works is that we’re institutionalized to believe that rape is a crime committed by monsters. So if you can convince the judge that you’re not a monster, you’re just a kid who made a bad choice, you can make him question if you’re even really a rapist at all.

Easy analogy: Your brother or sister has a toy you want to play with, even though you have the same parents you still have to work out a deal between yourself and your sibling to play with it.

The other teams never had a chance once they jumped out to an early lead.

Native American here. These names are ok.

Anyone else annoyed that the headline talks about the storm’s size but then the only actual measurement discussed is its wind speed? And that isn’t even record-breaking, anyway.

You know, they say a true Targaryen doesn’t fear fire. They say that; it’s true! And you know what!? Who cares! We’re gonna build this massive (huge) Deathstar and it’s gonna be big. It’s gonna be so big, you’re gonna say “No, no Mr. President that’s just too big!” and I’m going to say “Make it bigger!”

Oh his masters got wary of his regard for a droid with dangerous thoughts and wiped that part of his memory, replaced the arm, and moved on.

Well, I didn’t - have a clue, that is - and I think I got the gist. Gifted surgeon (I’m guessing) loses career due to accident, goes on quest, meets Tilda Swinton, learns some secret magic sauce, becomes superhero - it’s an origin story. Zero Googling, zero former knowledge - how’d I do? (And now I kinda want to see

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teasers are supposed to confuse you. they’re supposed to make you go “woah, what was that? i wanna find out more about that!”

That final cape shot would mean absolutely nothing to someone who doesn’t already know the source material.

Respectfully disagree - the Nolan Batman films were generally well-received by critics and the public.