
Ten minutes. Timed it.

“For I beheld World_Combo as he FELL FROM HEAVEN LIKE LIGHTNING!”

That part was entirely prosthetic adhesive. I had to really anchor it down there to give some lift because they are not actually that perky.

Are people that ignorant now that they’ve never heard the common term “color commentator” before?

Real talk, both players thought it was a first to 5. Daigo was obviously sandbagging and giving Lupe wins, while planning to take it seriously in the last few games. However, not only did he forget that it was a first to 3, he also made a mistake by anti-airing Lupe with a HP Shoryuken, which no longer has

There’s a part right after Ash gets turned to stone where it cuts to Misty and she says “oh no” or something like that. I remember watching the audio commentary for the first movie (don’t you judge me) and them discussing how they only had two lip flaps to synch in a line there. So for the longest time before

I’m glad you apologized at the start, cause you write terribly.

Surely this is a better way to track ticket sales. Inflation moves a lot faster than population growth.

They’d just cut holes in the floor and crawl out.

Change the relationship between Ash and Pikachu if it was female?
What, was he going to fuck it?

Just starred you. I'm doing my part!

I would like to know more.

I am saddened that people can rush to fund Shenmue 3 based on a promise, while a project that already has a beautiful, functional prototype like this is struggling. There’s no justice in this world. :(

its your call, and i dont want to seem to be pushing, but those games will still be around, this game wont exist if people dont cover it.

I intend to support this actually, which is saying a lot seeing as I’ve never participated in Crowd Funding. I just need to do this at the right time, seeing as my funds are tight. <_<;;

Surprised there hasn’t been a follow up article to this since the Indiegogo campaign just opened and there’s a swanky playable “prototype” that people can play.

no i’m pretty sure that’s the inside of a ps3. vaginas look very different. have you ever seen one?

Nuke him from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Thank you for doing this article.