
Bothan Commander: I’ve got a great feeling about this.

Bothan Commander: Alright, we’ve got the plans, but this is a tight spot. That’s okay, we’ve been through worse together. We just need to get through this blast door and we’re home free.

Mothma: You all did such a good job with the first Death Star plans. Now I need you to find the location of the Empires new battle station.

I want to make a post about Bothans because I’m amused at how many people are going through the comments about this trailer to make sure everyone knows that the Bothans were the second Death Star.

I think you’ve nailed it here. If I see a movie and think the screenwriter is trying too hard (the first example that comes to mind is the entirety of Lucky Number Slevin), that’s a failure. If I see a movie and I think that the character is trying too hard, that’s a totally valid and interesting choice.

I kind of love that though. Kylo Ren is unlike any Star Wars villain we’ve had in the past, this weirdly impotent, angry young man who is enraged that his legacy, his destiny (the most powerful concept in Star Wars, after all, is prophecy and fate), has been denied to him.

Now, see, to me this plays as him trying too hard. He’s overcompensating in a really morbid way, using this to say, “Look at me! See how evil I am! Dudes, so fuckin’ evil over here!!! Guys? Anyone?”

A wizard is never large, nor is he small. He takes up exactly as many gigabytes as he means to.

Best. Possible. Answer.

I’m not sure what kind of bomb it was tbh but I bet it was fucking scary

I heard they wanted to include a female perspective, but your mom was busy that weekend.

tl;dr it’s illegal for the uploader but not for the viewer

“a game where permutation is the key to victory”

Ten minutes. Timed it.

“For I beheld World_Combo as he FELL FROM HEAVEN LIKE LIGHTNING!”

My files are important. That’s why I’d simply restore the backup.

Finally, the fun guy has arrived.

They didn’t have an on-set consultant, but Aykroyd extensively researched it back when the original was intended to be a futuristic sci-fi movie.

I don’t suppose it would do any good to point out that “sexual” furries are the vast, VAST minority of the furry movement. Most of them are just people who, y’know, like furry art and characters.

That part was entirely prosthetic adhesive. I had to really anchor it down there to give some lift because they are not actually that perky.