
And how many of those villains are actually remembered be the mainstream? I read a ton of (non Batman) comics and I only recognize Killermoth, Man-Bat and Spellbinder in that list.

I love these recaps every week, but I always avoid the previews for next weeks episodes so it bothers me when occasionally you mention what happens in them in the middle of other paragraphs. :/

If at all possible, I’d love if you could append any thoughts on the preview to its own section like Assorted Musings so I

This bugged me immensely in the 4th Pirates movie. There's a scene only couple of seconds long where Captain Jack repositions himself so that he's in the correct place for one of his miraculous escapes.
Right there the magic and mystery of whether Jack is just insanely lucky with his seat of the pants actions or plans

Agreed. The moment Kanan stepped up with his lightsaber and started deflecting stuff for the first time was a huge moment where everyone - the audience and characters both - paused and took a breath. Then next episode we're back to playing hopscotch with a squad of pursuing stormtroopers.

(I posted this elsewhere but it'll likely never be seen, so here it is again!)

I'm so often surprised by how good Rebels is when it does stuff like this episode did. Reintroducing Asoka, killing the Inquisitor, really giving the feeling that something big just happened and the rebellion is kicking off in a big way.

I'm so often surprised by how good Rebels is when it does stuff like this episode did. Reintroducing Asoka, killing the Inquisitor, really giving the feeling that something big just happened and the rebellion is kicking off in a big way. Great great writing there.

However, the absolute lack of danger the stormtroopers

Now playing

Finally, Powerpuff Teens getting some respect

Pretty sure this is exactly what every member of the audience was doing at home during this scene too.

I saw a pretty interesting idea somewhere last week about Mack being zombified which links niceley with the "you only need hazmat suits until you don't" angle.

Mack and Bobbi have some sort of secret deal going on, and Bobbi was a Skrull imposter in Secret Invasion. What if Bobbi and Mack are Skrulls? (Or some

Agreed. The name and marketing of the movie gave me absolutely zero interest in it, only after io9 said it was a shockingly good movie I gave it a watch and have seen it several times since. It's kind of sad to realize how much an effect marketing has on us :/

But he has that really convenient ancient island healing powder to handwave it away!

I spent most of this episode absorbed in Hera's really fluid facial animations. They completely went to town on her in this episode - sometimes going overboard with the animations, but generally it was just really nice to watch how, well, animated she was.

Yes, that shot of the ARC gave me the exact same feeling. TCW really did great things for the prequels.

The names were not hidden earlier.

I get the feeling this extra scene was added in specifically to address the lack of humor in the original teaser. That was basically the only complaint I heard about it last week.

Toph introduces the idea that all the roots in the world are connected and she can see everyone in the world at any time.
Kuvira ends the episode asking how the experiments on magical instantly growing and virtually indestructible roots are progressing.

I've got a barrel full of plot fish here and Korra's handing out

This seems like the kind of thing usually reserved for the morning spoilers coverage, which I always avoid. I feel a lot of people would have rathered at least having the option not knowing this sort of thing was in the pipeline until after Avengers 2 had aired.

Actually no, the reason ABMs haven't been landing is because of this rock I have.

Where are these default GoG designs coming from? They seem to be shared across a lot of the animated properties Disney/Marvel have going. Disney Infinity, this anime, that Universal Weapon game, etc. They don't match up fully with the movies or comics, but they seem to have pretty strong continuity amongst themselves.

Yep, I know of the two funding systems in place, but they both charge your card immediately when you pledge.
I fully agree that it's a huge detriment to the service compared to Kickstarter not being able to change pledges. It's edged me out of increasing my pledges on a couple of projects already.