
I wonder what it is about Steampunk that it so often has female leads. Of the various Steampunk stuff I've read, well over 3/4 of it has a female lead.

I funded the shit out of this by the way.

The reason pledge increases are so awkward on IGG is that it works differently from Kickstarter.
On Kickstarter you pick a pledge option and then at the end of the campaign your pledge amount is charged to your credit card. It's easy to swap around pledges because no money has changed hands yet.

IGG immediately takes

Yes. 100% yes.

Actually, the humans purposefully blocked out the sun in an effort to starve the machines.

I think you mean Ireland is the anti-Australia. The most dangerous things we have are badgers and potatoes that go bad.

I had the exact same reaction. Though there was more horror than surprise... then pop! Good times.

Jenny Pox. I read this as an adult, but the reviews I checked afterwards all mirrored my thoughts as I read it and are basically a solid stream of "Where the hell did all the graphic sex come from?! And the gore!"

I love this animation so friggin much. I did some quick fanart when I stumbled across it a while back!

I think you'll find the difference is that one of these transforms into a Chevy Trax and the other transforms into a gigantic robot dinosaur.

But can you repeatedly lift 300lbs all day long?

Print "Goodbye World" End Of Line.

It finally spoke but nobody listened.

I don't know if it's intended or not aside from "cast his face in menacing shadows", but it's neat how Asami can only see the brightly lit half and Mako is getting the shadowed part.

Had they swapped the roles it would have just brought up complaints in a different area - a female robot that's obsessed with love, because that's the only reason women are ever the villains.

I think you'll find that was Chakotay.

It'll be on Indiegogo, not Kickstarter

Also, the Indiegogo campaign is not set to start until tomorrow morning, so there is no link available.

It's probably not just a BttF reference. An almanac is usually an annual book that gives weather predictions, advice on when to plant seeds, times of tides and moon phases, etc.

Yes, Aviation Porn is a thing.