
All I know is after I got into college I weened myself off of referring to stuff as “gay” when I really meant “lame” or “bad” (I grew up in the country, not to mention it was a different time). It’s not that hard if you really aren’t homophobic and it doesn’t have to be about language “tyrants”.

There aren’t even all

This situation just continues forever though.

Jeeze, dude, why can’t you just say, ‘You know what? I was super pissed at someone and went for the meanest word I could think of in an act of immediate reprisal. I fucked up and it was wrong. I’m going to ensure this doesn’t happen again.’

This is an issue that I, as an imperfect feminist, struggle with.
I’m not going to defend Cage’s games because I don’t particularly care for his storytelling. But in more of a general sense, is it wrong to imperil female characters disproportionately when that unbalance exists in life?

I don’t see it this way. Kara started off in more danger, but imaging if their parts were reversed and in Kara’s first scene she is accosted by people and they rip her shirt, and then her entire outfit ends up in tatters. Markus endures an awful lot which would probably be viewed as female torture porn if Kara had his

Not sure if my comment went through, but anyway I’m here to disagree.

Spoiler Warning

Men get treated like shit too. Ethan mars gets mentally and physically abused throughout that entire game. Most of the men in Beyond are abusive and violent or completely clueless. I’d say it’s about equal. Ethan even got his own shower scene!

>Let me see if I understand your logic.

Unfortunately, I have seen that because the n-word origin’s are American, non-Americans do not understand the context and impact of the word. I liken it to a weird cultural appropriation. They use it and enjoy it, but they don’t get it and become frustrated when you say, “hey, let’s not”.

Sorry to discredit your speculation on howPewdiePie’s upbringing makes this inexcusable, (he plays video games and uses youtube for a living and you think he hasn’t been exposed to racial slurs? lol) but the very game he was playing when he said it literally has people screaming “nigger” non-stop in almost every

Well, to be fair, we get to hear the n-word frequently over here from movies, music and the internet in general. And none of us have grown up with the word with the negative connotations that you have in the US, well we’ve known it’s a bad word, but not the weight behind it.

Where are the tweets actually defending him, for the sake of fairness?
Why are we not criticising other youtubers, especially the black ones who use the n bomb way more often than everyone else? Cause they are black?

I was able to name and then find the information for all but 4 characters in ten minutes.
If all photographers took the effort that Mineralblu did in at least naming the character then nobody else putting these galleries together would have to go searching.

Other than that, it’d be a lot nicer for the people who work

More power to them, they clearly know their audience. Although I’ll never understand why anyone would pay them when porn is free all over the internet.

First off the entire world besides America calls it football not soccer. Second, take your xenophobia somewhere else.

First of all, these are really really good, top notch mods.

Glad to see them making those decisions.