Saw a lot of comments saying "This is why we can't have nice things"
I want my life to be narrated by this guy... and only this guy...
Alrighty, since every single comment is negative, let me put this here so you can see how a good prank is done.
Aw... Now I need to go watch WarGames...
Yes, you get this mount after completing the main story. No tricks, no raids you have to go through (well, outside of the main story raids), just beat the game and it's yours.
Hopefully this one :)
I agree! :)
Aww, what was the name of that burner? And I appreciate you thinking about him :)
Aww, thanks for putting a video of me in the article, Jason! :)
Oh my god I'm literally laughing out loud over this. Well done.
I wonder if I can start a kickstarter to pay him to say "I'm Sun On Yee, motherfucker."
Oh my god... I have to own this. :)
Kirk, if you could make more articles simulating yourself talking to a completely clueless person, I would love you more than I already do. :)
Women are bitches, men are assholes, etc. etc. etc.
Some districts are different, I suppose, but generally it's the store that is ranked, not the individual employee. So that means if you take a couple cancels but the guy next to you gets a whole lot of them, then the store looks good.
Stores have really been cracking down on that, though. Usually that situation will only arise of the stores are in different states or 20+ miles away. When we would have that situation come up we would politely tell the customer that they have to return to the store that they reserved the game from to get their…
They can't hold him to anything. The only thing that they have the authority to do is to cancel all of his reserves and ban him from the store, which he would then go to another store and do the same thing (provided that the original store in question hadn't already sent out an email about this customer), but then…