
Ehh, in all honesty it's 1 in probably 500 people that do this, so it's not that big of a deal. I remember when I worked for GameStop there was an entire family that did this, so one week we would be red hot with reserves, and then 3 weeks down the road we'd get hit with cancels. Sucks, but what can you do. You

I mean, that could also be the case but I will admit as a female hearing my female friends doing this that it's a shitty thing to do to someone that clearly is looking for something more. I can't count how many times I've excused myself from a conversation that started with "So, here's the latest with 'loverboy'..."

Actually, if you want to get technical, FFVII and FFVIII are PS1 exclusive, and they were both released on PC.

Okay, so as a female, and a gamer, I think that I can put in my two cents about both questions, as I have had friends in similar situations, both at work and not at work.

Sounds like you're pretty upset about a company that doesn't give a shit about what you think about them. I learned at a young age that if someone rips me off or is unfair to me, then I stop frequenting their establishment.

I mean, he is called "Death's Knight"... so that's what initially tipped me off when they said that they were creating the villain from scratch...

Get Tom Savini to do the monster makeup and you've got yourself a viewer in me.

Nice. I'm looking forward to hearing more about this!

I bought two of the mint chocolate chip and two of the root beer float. My kids burned through these in less than two hours... I think I got maybe two cookies.

I'm actually hoping (and will still hope as I play this game) that it's Azrael.

You mean Batman: Arkham City 2?

Lots of people yelling about omissions / inclusions on this list...

Well Hamill also said he retired after the first one and they got him for the second, so I wasn't totally convinced that he was gone for good.

Now playing

I'm just gonna leave this here... though I probably shouldn't have done that...

Welp, I wanted to post a picture of Ben's Drowning, one of my personal favorites, but I guess Kotaku is being mean to me tonight. Ah well. You guys probably get the image anyway.

Well, Kevin Conroy coming back is a major plus for me. I fully expect this game to come out in October, as I believe the other two in the series were released.

Coming from someone who played Arkham Origins to completion, let me just say this:


Oh snap, I cannot wait to play Darkham Knight.

Thank you! :)