Now playing

I seem to have seen something like this before... Oh wait!

Hey guys, I know this is kind of rare for me to do, and possibly unnecessary, but I just wanted to reach out to everyone and let them know that their kind words regarding my post has really touched me. I appreciated all of your kind words and support, and I'm glad that I could reach so many people with what I

Thank you so much! :)

Yep. It's the little things that remind you of your loved ones that you hold onto forever. For some it's a memento, a keepsake, a piece of jewelry. For me (and for you), it's a video game.

Thank you so much! :)

Oh, I totally know that feeling. My boys are the action / adventure / Call of Duty type. I can't sink my teeth into games like that. Just not my scene...

Thank you so much! :)

Hahahaha! This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that :)

I always liken my playing FFVI every year to people that read a book regularly because they love it so much. My mom used to read 1984 every year on her birthday, and eventually she could quote the entire book just from memory.

Yeah, wow... I went to work and I come home and I have over 100 notifications... talk about unreal!

Oh wow, thank you! I feel seriously honored that you would do that just for my post.

I mean, there is something to be said about the preference for graphics as opposed to heart, and the most recent Final Fantasy titles are proof positive of that. You'll never find a game in the Final Fantasy franchise that strikes a chord with literally everyone that plays it, and while that's sad, that's a sign of

I should have clarified that I was being mildly facetious, but that doesn't diminish your point at all.

I think that harkens back to what I was saying about one man's trash is another man's treasure, and it's absolutely true when it comes to our hobbies and vices. The important thing here, and I think you realize this, is that you can't let what others think of you define who you are. You simply cannot allow that to

Heh, yeah that Casino fragment is easily the most annoying one to get in the entire game. Took me an evening just to get it.

Aw, well I'm glad I have a kindred spirit of sorts. You're welcome, and thank you :)

You're welcome, and thank you!

Haha! That was totally a typo... I'm too lazy to fix it, though. >.>

Granted. That's the same argument I have about a FFVII remake. Even though the graphics will look better and it might have some voice acting added in, nothing will ever be able to recreate the game so that I feel like I haven't played it before, because I have. A lot.

But remember, Terra eventually does find love in Thamasa after the world ends with the kids that lost their parents by Kefka's beam. But to your point, yes that was a bit disconcerting at times. I too grimace over the "damsel in distress" trope, but in some cases, it works. Just like when Celes thought that