
What kind of car does she drive?

That's why they have zip lock bags, and freezers.


Was a good post until you felt the need to ''troll'' and bring politics into it.

How is it perishable?!?

Leave that state where you could legally fuck her to go get arrested in another state.... dumb asses

How do you pick plasticuffs?


Maybe rub her clitoris or have her rub it during the act.

The car that passed by flipped?


Except the abysmal crash test ratings......

I figured usb wheel would be plug and play and you can also buy an adapter to use wirless accessories with your computer.

Plenty almost any wheel you find with be compatible with Xbox/pc or ps3/pc.

It's the limited edition Pokemon Yellow Version.

This, you can be an asshole without damaging a beautiful car.

I'm more worried about the rampant vandalism everyone on here seems to love to do anytime they are mildly inconvienced, I don't see how anyone who would key an Aston Martin can claim they love automobiles.

Who owns a truck but doesn't have a set of ratchet straps?

And the biggest problem to everyone here is he's 21 with a corvette, so he doesn't deserve any help.