
Time to swap in a 5.0 ;)

They already throttle the shit out of our ''unlimited'' plans, so why are they still so deadset on getting us the fuck off these plans?

That particular image was taken a month ago.

Since you won't believe me maybe you should just call Verizon or at&t, I've tried to activate numerous used phone that were blocked.

I'm sorry they overlooked you but as a frequent purchaser and reseller of used phones, I'm positive they do.

I know verizion and at&t block esn and imei on stolen phones.

They already do, but that doesn't make them worthless.

Disappointing she wasn't the soul mate you were dreaming of?

How do they go about identifying and then finding these people?

You can already charge your car at home.......

The question is who the hell are these kids and where are they now?

Seems like the obvious answer, the air would be superior in every way,

Ron Jeremy?

I'm for getting rid of all front buttons, just give me a gesture or side button to press to bring up any home or back buttons.

Well that's one of the points of Android is it's open and you have a choice, sorry if the freedom to use the biggest music retailer in the world outrages you but I'm sure many would like the option.

I don't see how this is really any dumber than any other tattoo of your interests...Can we say asshole.

Not surprising, there were injuries in the NBA that kept a few key players that might have played.

I don't know it's a bit weird and would put a lot of pressure on me considering where in a plan and you basically in control of my life, not even mention the whole fake emergency.

If Sony want to make more expensive handhelds oriented towards adults, I think they need to make PSPhone.