Be careful, they can always show you it works and isn't stolen, then report if after they get your money.
Be careful, they can always show you it works and isn't stolen, then report if after they get your money.
You realize you can just cut it off?
There are other reasons a IMEI is locked.
I can, bought my 4s at launch,
If you on at&t yes switching your sim is all that needs to be done.
Can we get some voice choices in My Player?
There might be an app for jail-broken that makes it impossible to turn off without a code or such.
If it's off or has no signal it doesn't work.
iPhone 4?
People bitched when they removed the sim card remover.
Now make a cheaper one with a regular rock, cause damn that watch is sexy.
There's better rapper's than Lupe, just cut off the radio.
Doesn't get much nicer.
Impostor 8o
Also you can get an unopened one box include on e-bay for less than $20.
I have no clue what either of those places are.
Bragging about stealing doesn't make you cool.
Is there a website where I can read more about this great conspiracy?
Terrible troll is terrible