
Any intelligent person would see that I meant that a New Detroit would rise from this tragedy and not a fictional cyborg cop.

Terrible and tragic news. Here's hoping that life imitates art one day.

And before you accuse someone of trolling then maybe you should re read your articles before submitting them. Because all I'm commenting on is this article,not some other article and this article raised the lack of minority issue twice. While the rest made points on why the show matters and how its a popular point of

Raised the issue? Your post is titled 50 Years of the Jetsons: Why The Show Still Matters. ok. Why the show still matters? You can raise the issue here and there but you praised it more. If thats the case of you "raising" the issue then why not title the post "50 years of the Jetsons:the good,the bad and the

So are you saying it doesn't matter? Because to quote you "The Jetsons remains our most popular point of reference when discussing the future.".

A show that still matters? A show of the future where EVERYONE was white. Realistic indeed and relevant indeed.

Of course we'll see that. Disney is gonna milk Star Wars for every dollar that they can where in the next ten to twenty years we all are going to be sick of it.

Forget the costumes even though they were spectacular,but the women in the TOS were freakin' gorgeous!!!! Oohhh how I would've loved to be the casting agent for the show back then!

The episode that should be in every top ten best episodes of ST is the pilot,if not for it no others would have been made.

I never collected them but I do remember them. Maybe one day we'll see a animated show based on the art.

I knew one woman in the Bronx who kept telling me it tasted like heaven,though I was paying her car note I wonder if...OMG that B!tch!

These people should ask Geraldo Rivera if this is a good idea.

Kudos for putting that together. This was way more entertaining and original than Star Trek Into darkness.

80 year old Behind the wheel-"Now where the hell is that exit sign,Is that a plane coming at me?! Oh right I forgot I'm in flying mode"! Or "wow up here the stars are so bright...is that a plane and why is he flying right at me?! Fly around or above me you @$$! Wow those headlights look like a car headlight on that