
If you wanna compare poki to bells, fine. You lost me when dollars were brought in. Animal Crossing currency and economy will never translate to dollars in any reasonable way, just stop trying to jam that puzzle piece where it doesn’t fit. 

She also eventually gives you access to an ATM that allows you to exchange poki to bells at a variety rate that is MUCH higher than the values above.

I thought the conversion was roughly 1 bell = 1 yen, based on the price of the various Nintendo Switch consoles you can buy from Nook. The standard Switch costs 29,980 bells from Nook. With the conversion the person in the article quotes, this would mean that they’re trying to sell us a Switch in game for over $700.

This person is going to feel very silly when Lottie gives them raises, repeatedly.

The point is to inform people, like most of the articles on io9.

Know about his history and his beliefs. Like the article explained.

It means that people should know the history and culture surrounding Kipling and The Jungle Book, simple as that.

...you have no idea what “context” means, do you? It means, we should know the history and culture surrounding something even when we read or watch it. It’s Reading Comprehension 101 - you better understand something the more you know about the context in which it was written.

Accurate statement.

We shouldn’t. The article isn’t saying that we should discard The Jungle Book - again, read the article and not the title. Let me just quote it for you:

The article isn’t stating that about The Jungle Book either. Read the article and not just the title: it’s stating that we need to place Kipling and the book in their proper context.

If you are into prop creation these stores are amazing. I couldn’t find book boards anywhere, and got some dollar store hard back books, and ripped them down for the boards, and created some create “mystical tomes” out of them. I use a lot of stuff for prop creation actually. It’s my first stop when I need supplies.

Why is he holding a dominator ? Nick fury in psycho pass season 2 confirmed !

Is it me, or does "Disk Wars" sound like some terrible card game they're trying to push?

You showed this pic three times and listed everyone else in it and not Ms Marvel? For shame.

What about Wolverine? He had an anime too.

from the article

No, he just copied the full text into a text message and sent it. My phone will automatically split the message up into texts with the allowed number of characters, and just send them out one after the other. So he copies the text once, hits send, then walks away while the other guy receives 1,000 text messages one

I'd like to add Elder Sign : Omens and Neuroshima Hex for boardgame lovers. The digital version are fantastic.