If you wanna compare poki to bells, fine. You lost me when dollars were brought in. Animal Crossing currency and economy will never translate to dollars in any reasonable way, just stop trying to jam that puzzle piece where it doesn’t fit.
If you wanna compare poki to bells, fine. You lost me when dollars were brought in. Animal Crossing currency and economy will never translate to dollars in any reasonable way, just stop trying to jam that puzzle piece where it doesn’t fit.
She also eventually gives you access to an ATM that allows you to exchange poki to bells at a variety rate that is MUCH higher than the values above.
I thought the conversion was roughly 1 bell = 1 yen, based on the price of the various Nintendo Switch consoles you can buy from Nook. The standard Switch costs 29,980 bells from Nook. With the conversion the person in the article quotes, this would mean that they’re trying to sell us a Switch in game for over $700.
This person is going to feel very silly when Lottie gives them raises, repeatedly.
If you are into prop creation these stores are amazing. I couldn’t find book boards anywhere, and got some dollar store hard back books, and ripped them down for the boards, and created some create “mystical tomes” out of them. I use a lot of stuff for prop creation actually. It’s my first stop when I need supplies.…
Is it me, or does "Disk Wars" sound like some terrible card game they're trying to push?
What about Wolverine? He had an anime too.
from the article
No, he just copied the full text into a text message and sent it. My phone will automatically split the message up into texts with the allowed number of characters, and just send them out one after the other. So he copies the text once, hits send, then walks away while the other guy receives 1,000 text messages one…
Just gonna throw this out there: Hulu allows you to temporarily suspend your account for up to 12 week periods. It's supposed to be used for vacations and whatnot, but it seems like you can keep re-upping the suspension as much as you want. And during that time you won't be charged. So, if you want access but don't…
I have had this factor into TWO job interviews, that I know of.
There's the article.
I stand corrected.
Believe it or not, everyone on earth was organized into some sort of society before Europeans set out to discover them. No group of people was just running around wild without any sort of order or tribe.
Girls don't always wash their hair every time they take a shower.
I'm kinda disturbed that she took a shower with her hair still tied up, who does that?
I'd like to add Elder Sign : Omens and Neuroshima Hex for boardgame lovers. The digital version are fantastic.