CeRuLeaNBLu - Appreciative of QUADROZONTAL

After spending a while Google searching this question I've come to a conclusion...

Quick question... how do you get out of a Lambo with those doors that winds up on its roof? Kick through the windows? Do they have any type of door release mechanism in the event of an up-side-down excursion like the McLaren Merc's explosive bolts on their gull-wings?

... it was horrible!

I'm glad to see one in such good shape, the last Stude I saw in person looked like this...

They have been "working on it" for two years now.

Not sure.

Tell him the dude in the all red Subi RS that passed him heading west bound over Capt. Jeff Bowen bridge around 5 pm today says hey.

He has a great sense of humor.

You can aaaaaaalmost make out the fuzzy little companion riding shotgun in this one.

I see this fellow running around my town all the time, saw him an hour ago in fact. It's a white Rover with the license plate "WHITEDOG" and he always has a big fluffy white canine in the passenger seat.

Well I'll be damned. I never thought I would see a car that I'd seen in person on NPOCP! This bugger was at my buddy's shop here in Asheville about 2 months ago having some work done. I was interested enough in the project idea to come home and do a Google search for "turbocharged honda element" and track the vehicle

The shear mass of that thing....

The front on shot is quite dramatic in the scale.

.... then a walk around.

I did a set of size comparison shots of a 2000 F250 beside my 2004 Impreza... might as well show a few. This is the extended cab mind you, not the full crew.

This is quite simple to explain actually... these Ferrari fires are the tortured and anguished souls of all the dead race drivers killed by Enzo's arrogance and defiant attitude, now fiercely battling against one another to escape the burning depths of hell.... only to crack open the gates wide enough from time to

It's coming right at us!

It's true.

On my airborne adventures I have yet to spew, let alone fire one off whilst still on the tarmac... bravo good sir! A jolly good time for all... that is if you made it to a proper receptacle with your emanations. ;)

Cars are built for so many different reasons, from auto-cross to drag racing to trailer queen show car.... so many different ways to personalize and create something one of a kind... I can't fault anyone for anything they do to a car if they themselves like it, and it makes the ownership of the vehicle that much