Prices were riding at a faster rate before Obama care. Obamacare actually did something to slow the price rise. For some reason people have forgotten what was happening before Obamacare was put in place.
Prices were riding at a faster rate before Obama care. Obamacare actually did something to slow the price rise. For some reason people have forgotten what was happening before Obamacare was put in place.
Reality skews left. This is why conservatives are snarling like cornered animals even though their party is in charge of every branch of the government and the majority of state legislatures.
that’s not actually the fault of the ACA. That’s the fault of the states and insurers being assholes and everyone blaming the ACA instead of trying to find ways to make things better.
I am thankful for representative government....too bad people in Washington were too lazy to build a bigger room.
Yeah that leftist slant like, “there’s a tape of trump saying he likes to just grab women by the pussy” or “Roy Moore has been accused by someone of being a pedopile and his denial was weak”, or “the majority of the tax cuts go to the most wealthy” or “ there is no empirical evidence that trickle down economics works,…
I’d have gone with something like “I’m thankful for my family’s health ... and ObamaCare being in place to take care of it along with millions of other Americans.”
The problem is states like Alabama are the epicenter of a “self-enslavement” mentality. Why would Black people like in a state like that? Because they were born and raised there for generations and those generations pave passed along a certain “this is how it’s always been” attitude that even after the Civil Rights…
No, UA football is still not good.
If we get another 4 years of Trump it will be because of the BS-ers claiming to be “moderates” that like the racists politics of Trump but dont want to admit to being a republican.
This is a not shit sherlock moment. It was a problem 30 years ago when I enlisted. It was a problem 20 years ago when I got out. It’s a problem that has gotten worse since. We have a White Nationalism problem in THIS COUNTRY! And it’s centered the part of our society that gravitates toward the military, rural, white,…
“You do realize white nationalists and racists are two totally different types of people?” wrote another anonymous Air Force staff sergeant.
Nice strawman you ignorant piece of shit.
The NFL’s reaction, as well as that of Trump, Pence, and their supporters, has pushed me from someone who was silently supportive of Kaepernick taking a knee, to someone who now feels conflicted about personally standing for the anthem. I love America. It’s the greatest country on the planet. A year ago I would have…
Is it hilarious or sad that there’s more hand wringing over a simple protest gesture than there was after a player knocked his wife unconscious in an elevator and then dragged her down a hallway like a sack of trash?
The kneeling before the anthem was supposed to be the end all, be all, the big PR move that would wash it away, and then they could get back to the business of watching men kill themselves, building stadiums on taxpayer money, and then still making money in those stadiums even if no one shows up.
The players have only been required to be out on the field for the national anthem since 2009.
Removing the performative patriotism means losing lots of money because the department of defense is actually paying the NFL for the whole song and dance as a recruitment tool. I mean, the answer basically to everything in this country is “money”.
Yeah the whole group kneeling did reek of “ok we’ve done it, can we just get on with it now” PR spin.
So what’s the NFL’s endgame here. They could easily stop the protests dead by just removing this stupid dick-waving “patriotism” they only introduced a few years ago.
FADE IN on a lavishly-appointed sitting room. Dark wood, heavy drapes, and the stink of wealth. TWO WRINKLED OLD WHITE MEN in expensive suits sit on overstuffed leather furniture at a coffee table.