
No need for apology! It’s more that I was just commenting generally how it’s amazing that people who will cheer for price controls during an emergency will scream communism if you suggest that maybe we ought to not lot people die in the streets for want of medical care.

Like old Toohotformilk there, I’ve also lived through plenty of hurricanes. When you’ve been through enough, you stop worrying about them and you don’t prepare like it’s your first time - you get some water and plywood the windows and hunker down. My dad, who’s in his 70's and has ridden out every hurricane that’s

It’s just like, what would it take for you to apply this same logic to literally any other situation where people cannot afford the things they need to stay alive?

First off, let me say that anybody price gouging for vital supplies in an emergency is a giant piece of shit, and deserves to be known as such.

Counter-counterpoint: You are a piece of shit. These people are just trying to survive. Fuck off you cunt.

You must have misread. Says right there he did call the cops.

For real. Yesterday someone on MSNBC was talking to a man from the national guard, they were broadcasting the call. The reporter asked if the national guard guy had any important messages to convey- his answer was, “DON’T SHOOT. If people are in stores taking food and supplies, they are in survival mode, and we’re

On a related note:

As if the cops could resist getting to lay down the law on some poor people.

Isn’t he the same guy who, on 9/11, called the NYC Dept of Buildings to report that some WTC employees were exiting the building without swiping their badges on the way out?

Get off the computer Dad. I heard this already when Katrina hit.

Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

Before we jump to conclusions, we need to know what color they were. Remember the rules from Katrina: black people loot, white people salvage.

I feel like the cops / coast guard should’ve gone “yeah, people desperate for clean water and food during a natural catastrophe will do that,” and then hung up.

sadly for the rest of us, his actions are irreversible and he remains a deeply shitty person

You’re missing her point. Just imagine if boys of the world spent their lives in front of the mirror putting on makeup, starving themselves, working out obsessively, and shopping so they can look sexy and handsome. Imagine if that takes men several hours a day. It is time wasted that they could be spending learning,

As unpleasant as it is, even hate speech needs protecting.

Who decides? Let’s be clear that the “unpopular opinion” we’re talking about is a desire to either exterminate or make subservient an entire race of people for no reason other than their being a different race. This is not a political belief. This is not a religious belief. This isn’t even a belief in what are and

I think it’s worth keeping in mind that slippery slopes work in both directions, so usually they aren’t really an argument for or against anything. E.g., “Saying anyone should be able to buy guns is a slippery slope to letting criminals in prison have guns.” Slippery slope arguments are an indirect reminder of the