
But...the next total eclipse in the US is in 2024 already...

Just send him this tweet: “prez obama was so weak, he said he’d never look directly at an eclipse. But tough leaders do it.”

It’s also an opportunity to remind the right wing that solar eclipse glasses are totally a liberal hoax.

F you and your passive whiteness, regardless of your vintage. In fact, at 50, you should have known better. But no, silently you stood.

Well while you studied in college and enjoyed your barbershop quartet weekends in the 50's, the domestic terrorists—the Klan—burned down and BOMBED black churches, lynched young black men and terrorized black communities. Oh and sense while you were safe and tucked away at college, blacks were still using separate and

Just ignore him, man.

How is this even a conversation. Yes: The Founding Fathers did things that we socially frown upon now. BUT THEY FOUNDED THE FUCKING COUNTRY! Confederates did everything they could to split the country on the basis of maintaining those things HUNDREDS of years later and when there was actually a very large debate

I forget, which of the men on Mount Rushmore created a separate country and fought a war against the United States government?

It’s absolutely, undeniably a false equivalency to equate wealthy people who owned slaves in a society where every wealthy person owned slaves to people who actively chose to attempt to rebel against their country’s government and form their own government for the specific and sole purpose of continuing the right to

But there is no way in fuck any state entities should have this shit on their property. The Confederate States are the definition of TRAITORS, and honoring those who served them is the same as honoring traitors. I don’t understand this shit...

Perhaps “genius” gives him too much credit, but if Trump were to advocate “nuking the ocean,” I would bet you good money that CNN would have four marine biologists, including a Cousteau descendent, debating an attractive Trump spokesperson on a split-screen within ten minutes of his comment. My point is that every

There’s a sick genius in Trump’s tweets though. In one morning, he has changed the entire subject of conversation about Charlottesville to being about Confederate statues. Now look at how the media has responded; all of these talking heads and academics talking about the history and appropriateness of Confederate

Ima gonna go out on a limb and state:

If the democrats don’t reject racism and racist-enablers, then how are they supposed to stand for anything? This is the same as democrats saying that we need to support anti-abortion politicians. Neither of these instances involve a middle-ground.

So...don’t talk about racism and white supremacy as white supremacists are marching and beating and killing in the streets? And kind of just...shut up about civil rights but expect people who are too fragile to discuss those things to vote for progressives and work to pass progressive policies?

Can you actually come up with a way he’s passed a racist law that would be any different than any other Republican?

Working class whites who voted for Trump are deluded idiots and racists. This is a deadly combination.

Dit-fucking-to. I’m tired of this: “If you’re too blunt you’ll offend the reasonable people on the right!” argument. I thought the right wanted bluntness? I thought they hated PC-culture and safe spaces? Yet here I am, calling a spade a spade but being told I’m too mean. Fuck. That.

Gorka, Miller and Bannon all work in the White House. Sessions is the AG. Look at trump’s base. Look at his response to what his nazi supporters did. Try again.

All Republicans except for the handfull of Never Trumpers who have been consistent. And the ones who want to NOW condemn trump on Twitter while voting for his judicial nominees? Fuck you. McCain, Ryan, Heller, Sasse, McConnell, etc. These racist fucks are the new GOP. Or the old GOP with a shiny new fascist veneer.