
I have no problem with people ooing and ahing over how young I look when they find out I’m actually 42. (The face is the star for me, not the body.) My melanin, good genes, and attention to skincare serves me well so yaaaasss, celebrate my old ass, lol.

He literally only took the job so he could ease sanctions on Russian oil, so he and his buddies could rake in billions. Now that congress is blocking the administration from doing so it’s no surprise he’s no longer interested in the job.

I felt the same way when Trump wanted to run in the first place. Like, you want the hardest job in the world? The job that visibly ages even younger presidents like Obama some 10 years inside just 4?

Their continued failure is the only pinpoint of joy is a world of darkness.

Are you talking about Trump or Tillerson?

These fuckers are so used to the conciliatory circle jerk and desperately pretend like they make an actual difference, it’s fucking disgusting. And heaven forfend if you show them fucking empirical research that suggests their pet strategies are ineffective at best, if not fucking detrimental to their stated mission

I never understood why he took the job. Can’t these rich fuckers just go somewhere and enjoy being rich? God wealth is wasted on the rich.

Not to mention, if she did have any work done it’s minimal and tasteful. Hollywood always likes to take that shit up to 11.

I’m really just coming here to say my friends and I just threw one of our BFFs a JLo-themed bachelorette party complete with bottles of Glo by JLo perfume and a personalized pink velour shorts/hoodie sweatsuit. She is a religion.

It might have been useful for you to know that it’s illegal to prevent employees from discussing salary. And has been for like 80 years. So any NDA can kiss my underpaid ass.

Meanwhile A Rod looks like hes on his way to gun down a rival nightclub owner.

Absolutely!! I’ve worked at companies where you have to sign an NDA about your salary and discussing your pay rate was something you could get fired for. The social norm of not talking about money is solely for the protection of those who are better off.

I’ve actually been thinking a lot lately about how the “polite” culture where talking about money is taboo is basically the main vehicle by which employers get away with huge pay disparities... I don’t want to be “rude” but I want to know how I stack up, so I can advocate more effectively for myself. Which of course

I was looking for a new job a year ago and got an interview at a public university, so the salaries are also public. I saw white guy had been hired in the same position a year ago and had a lower degree than I did, so I figured I would get an offer at least equal to his if not more (and I actually talked ot him in an

About a year and a half ago, I asked for a raise. I was told in no uncertain terms that our company was in a hiring freeze and giving out no raises. I understood; we’d lost some clients and had some layoffs.

Six months later, a (slacker) male coworker and I got drunk together and he revealed that he’d gotten two

Fuck off.

Are we really surprised? Who DIDN’T know this would happen? That man and his co conspirators will never, ever serve a day. And there will be no impeachment proceedings unless the GOP stops circlejerking.

I know you’re aren’t; I’ve seen it. The thing that kinda worries me is that at some point, we might see him start delivering more carefully composed speeches and more coherent interviews (albeit a bit more slowly and intentionally). His supporters and conservative commentators will hail it as a sign he’s finally

Also, nobody thinks it is strange that Melania was seated next to Putin for this whole dinner? They both speak English and German...and I’m sure could have a lot to talk about.

That fun little nugget was absolutely the most terrifying part for this man thinks we’re all up in arms over $12/month insurance? Can we uh...please have $12/month insurance that appreciates over time?