If something like this happened to a rich person, Fox News would lose their shit.
If something like this happened to a rich person, Fox News would lose their shit.
I was going to say how is what Sessions doing legal, but I guess when you’re in charge of the law, you get to do whatever you like.
Kris Kobach, architect of the Trump administration’s fraudulent voter fraud investigation, said “we may never know” if Hillary Clinton won the popular vote
I hope all of those “small government” conservatives are happy that the government is being empowered to literally rob them.
And when is someone going to tell him that putting a word like sick in quotes is actually implying the opposite meaning, not emphasizing it.
There are a lot of things I wish for with the ending of this administration. But the one thing that keeps making it to the top of my list is the complete and total annihilation of Sessions’ career in government. That man is so blatantly racist its ridiculous. He is the worst. THE WORST. I didn’t even read the articles…
Because he’s caught the same horrible disease that is consuming Steve Bannon.
This is far down so I do not know whether it will be seen.
Senate Republicans are meeting tonight to try and revive their healthcare bill;
“The Republicans never discuss how good their healthcare bill is, & it will get even better at lunchtime.The Dems scream death as OCare dies!”
So, by Jefferson Beauregard’s guidelines, the government should be able to seize all of Donald Trump’s, Don Jr’s., Manafort’s, Jared Kushner’s, Mike Flynn’s and Dana Rohrbacher’s assets when they are charged with treason? Oh, wait! He wants to seize the assets of those suspected of crimes as well. Then, let the…
John Oliver covered civil asset forfeiture. (FUCK SESSIONS)
About halfway through the article, I got a Hugh Hefner vibe, and they made an E! show about that situation.
As it happens, I’m also Jewish. My family holidays are weird as fuck with tasty as hell food. So, yeah, the parallels are pretty much there, in a lot of ways.
Someone somewhere messed with that guy’s head
And it’s worth a reminder (not to you, just in general) that the Roma are ethnically northern Indians who were most likely forcibly brought through the Middle East and to Europe as slaves during the Middle Ages, and that in some areas they were enslaved well into the 19th century. These aren’t people who are “lazy” or…
Bibi doesn’t speak for all Israelis but of course he speaks for Israel as of course Donald Trump speaks for the United States but not all Americans.
It was honestly eye opening to me to see just how many people openly wanted actual organized state violence against ethnicities they don’t trust.
Just to head this off at the pass; no, it’s still racist if you’re going to come into the comments to say something along the lines of “You know I normally wouldn’t say this, but the Roma really are [insert X stereotype here], and I know that because of [insert Y story about a trip to Europe]”