Also, what about Mika Brzezinski’s tweet?
Also, what about Mika Brzezinski’s tweet?
It makes me laugh that the lawyer you spoke to is called Rachel Green, because she didn’t qualify for an annulment.
Printing costs: okay, fine
I really do not see how the US stays intact any more, either. How could we ever “come together” again? I just hope against reason that we can somehow break apart peacefully. Conservatives constantly bitch about NY and especially CA as not having “real American values” - fine, let us go! Good riddance to being weighed…
The best weapon we have is to vote in every election, local, state and national. Because there are more of us than there are of them. The problem is that we don’t vote religiously, the way that they do.
People like me who battle with clinical depression cannot have a weapon anywhere near us, or we might us it on ourselves.
The baby boomers thought exactly the same thing back when they were young. Can you imagine being alive then, thinking that the 20-year-olds in 1967 were going to change the world, and then fast-forward 50 years and see what they actually wanted?
Which is how gun control got passed in CA way back in the day when Ronald Reagan was governor. The Black Panthers started arming themselves and white folks got scared.
Dude, I’ve been waiting for these baby boomers to die off now for the past 15 years and in that time many have but yet the political needle won’t seem to move on the guns stuff or the health care stuff and so many other things. Conservatives get new converts. Those 40 year old liberals that we were depending on back…
“What do you actually think is going to happen? That the average German is going to war against their neighbour?” — German trolls in 1932
I think that’s what Andrew was saying—that they own guns because of their lily-white hot rage at the “Other.” I’m sure a lot of them get off on intimidating people, like those open-carry guys.
Yes. A 65 year old conservative man will tell me to, “Calm down, sugar tits” (really happened). A 30 year old conservative man would never say that. He knows society looks down on it. But he also works in HR and won’t forward my resume on. Same outcome, just sneakier.
It also misses the point of what an American, modern civil war would be with such militias: just look at Syria. It would be a free-for-all gang war, with all these little militias performing hit-and-run attacks, kidnappings, bombings, carving out turf, getting into pissing matches with the police and federal…
Keep in mind, there are lots of uneducated, and closed minded to foreign/outside ideas in the midwest. This has little (I can’t say nothing) to do with economics, but everything to do with ignorance and fear.
Oh dear.
I think that’s a little too optimistic. There’s plenty of conservative young people. There’s Tomi Lahren and that Milo fuckface and that other silly blond chick that tried to block of refugee ships in Italy. And the millions like them. They browse 4chan’ /pol/ and troll around on reddit. And now they’re targeting…
My hope as well, but I have to remind myself that the free-love generationof the 60s turned into Reaganism. Age and money can ruin every person, I just hope it happens on a smaller scale next time.
I hope this too but I can tell you in the midwest (where I live) there is an overabundance of young, typically white people who are happy to carry the mantle of “conservatism”. You’d think they’d form their own opinions when they move out of ma and pa’s house but unfortunately no. There are far more poor, dumb, white…
Is this ad actually a stealth campaign to sell guns to liberals and prop up gun sales that way?
100 years ago, there were women who led anti-suffrage movements. We have a long history of internalized misogyny.