
Hottest take: It’s OK to not like things other people like and it’s also OK for them to like things you don’t.

The rise of Instagram? It looks very pretty in a glass

Ice, no. Frozen fruit? Absolutely.

I bought these and they changed my life. Good for wine/liquor/beer, but also for quickly making iced coffee and tea without diluting it.

When did rosé become the ‘cool’ thing to drink? I’m not complaining, but it definitely caught me off guard when some people I distinctly remember making fun of people who drank rosé back in the day are now wearing ‘rosé, bitch’ shirts.

It’s not a good choice for women with any shape, regardless of weight. I bought one and it looks awful. My curvy friend bought one and it looks terrible on her. We both gave our shapeless dresses to our tall, lanky friend and she looks better than us in them but it’s still ugly. This style is just not the move for

Express Portofino Shirts! Wait until they’re on sale - they’ll do 40% of all tops fairly regularly. I prefer the slim fit. They’re dressy but I don’t pit out in them and they’re really flattering and don’t need to be ironed after hang drying.

I think it looks terrible on everyone, especially me. I look at this pictures and think, “why?” It is so difficult to find clothing that is made for anything close to the actual size of your body. I hate that everything is 3x the fabric, but also cheaply-made and unflattering.

You only look “good” (I use that term loosely) in this type of dress if you’re slender and tall. My size 10/12 ass would look like a potato in this.

I just saw three youngs walking down the street in these, and they were all reasonably good looking, and they all looked awful. Really hard to find a version of this that flatters.

I mean, i’m sure they’re comfortable, but my body already looks like an over-riped avocado, so I feel like wearing sack dresses would just make me look like Homer Simpson in a moo-moo. I need something that forces a shape onto me so I don’t look like a walking oval. There’s gotta be some kind of middle-ground, here!

- busty, curvy girl in endless search for a summer dress with SLEEVES and STRUCTURE.

Yes! I used to think they were cheaping out with all those thin jersey dresses that just had one elastic waistband for structure, but compared to this, that was tailoring!

Another GTer got me (and plenty others) on board with the idea of switching to kaftans. Now that I work from home half the week, I am so looking forward to making my at-home non legging wardrobe totally Liz Taylor cosplay.

yeah. this is not a good fashion choice for larger people, unless we’re looking to ger ridiculed.

I’m officially an old.

I’m not allowed to wear dresses, but even if I could, this would make me look like a fancy potato.

It also says “we are too cheap to pay to structure this dress, but we are going to charge you a ton for it anyway. Even though it is basically a pillowcase with armholes.”

“Seedless giant strawberries. Nice thinking!”

I will eat the berry for lunch.